Considered as Energized. For some reason, these are not commonly purchased with an IC rating. Voltage. Recessed Remote Ballasts. For existing installed lumin aires without disconnecting means, at the time a ballast is replaced, a disconnecting means shall be installed. Electrical Level 1 - Chapter 26105-14. Electric-Discharge Lamp Auxiliary Equipment. Closet Storage Space. The secondary circuit voltage shall not exceed 15,000 volts, nominal, under any load condition. If you install any electrical wiring or equipment in, or adjacent to, bodies of water not covered by other Articles in the NEC, the installation must conform to Article 682 [682.1]. Combustible Material. Luminaires shall be wired so that the screw shells of lampholders are connected to the same luminaire or circuit conductor or terminal. The insulation used on conductors must be suitable for the temperatures that they will be subjected to. Informational Note: Combustible low-density cellulose fiber board includes sheets, panels, and tiles that have a density of 320 kg/m3(20 lb/ft3) or less and that are formed of bonded plant fiber material but does not include solid or laminated wood or fiberboard that has a density in excess of 320 kg/m3(20 lb/ft3) or is a material that has been integrally treated with fire-retarding chemicals to the degree that the flame spread index in any plane of the material will not exceed 25, deter mined in accordance with tests for surface burning characteris tics of building materials. Recessed Incandescent Luminaires. Circuit Conductors. Luminaires or lamp installation shall be controlled either singly or in groups by an externally operable switch or circuit breaker that opens all ungrounded primary conductors. It is part of the National Fire Code series published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a private trade association. Space for Conductors. If the luminaire (fixture) is recessed in fire-resistant construction in a fire-resistant building, the temperature restriction is increased to 150C (302F) if the luminaire (fixture) is approved for this service. Provisions at Luminaire Outlet Boxes, Canopies, and Pans. More times than not, these custom one-of-a-kind units are not typically listed and labeled by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). instant-start lamps which of the following is an HD ballast category? Construction. Total Cards. Pendant lampholders with permanently attached leads, where used for other than festoon wiring, shall be hung from separate stranded rubber-covered conductors that are soldered directly to the circuit conductors but suppor ted independently thereof. Luminaires Near Combustible Material. Luminaires installed in recessed cavities in walls or ceilings, including suspended ceilings, shall comply with 410.115 through 410.122. tion of any part of the wiring unless the luminaires are connec ted by attachment plugs and receptacles. Luminaires shall be securely fastened to the ceiling framing member by mechanical means such as bolts, screws, or rivets. Exposure to Damage. 410.70 Combustible Shades and Enclosures. GET YOUR CEUS TODAY, 1998-2021. A lumin aire requiring supply wire rated higher than 60C (140F) shall be marked with the minimum supply wire temperature rating on the luminaire and shipping carton or equivalent. Transformers shall be enclosed, identified for the use, and listed. Connection of Electric-Discharge and LED Luminaires. 410.42 Luminaire(s) with Exposed Conductive Parts. 1: See 225.26 for restrictions for support of overhead conductors. If they dont say IC Rated on the luminaire, then the inspector should make sure there is a definite method to prevent insulation ever coming into contact with the luminaire. Parts that must be removed for lamp replacement shall be hinged or held captive. Luminaires (Fixtures) over Combustible Material. Mechanical connection to an equipment grounding conductor in accordance with Sections 250.118 and 250.122. The first is related to locations in and near bathtub and shower areas. 410.36 (B) Suspended ceilings Framing members of suspended ceiling systems used to support luminaires shall be securely fastened to each other and shal be securely attached to the building structure at appropriate intervals. General. 3: Where no equipment grounding conductor exists at the outlet, replacement luminaires that are GFCI protected shall not be required to be connected to an equipment grounding conductor. Article 410 is another example of an article in Chapter 4 of the NEC that often doesn't get a lot of emphasis from multi-trade inspectors. Raceway fittings used to support a luminaire(s) shall be capable of supporting the weight of the complete fixture assembly and lamp(s). Cord Requirements. Inherently Protected. Depending on the type of lighting used, whether incandescent, fluorescent, or LED, surface-mounted or flush-mounted, this section lists clearances to the nearest storage space. Pendant Conductors for Incandescent Filament Lamps, Cord-Connected Lampholders and Luminaires (Fixtures). Article 410 is another example of an article in Chapter 4 of the NEC that often doesnt get a lot of emphasis from multi-trade inspectors. Chapter 3: Wiring Methods and Materials. There are requirements for supported and unsupported cables. If they were installed in a ceiling, we had the installer frame a box out around the fixtures to maintain the required 3 inch clearance from insulation. The line side terminals of the disconnecting means shall be guarded.Exception No. Additional Requirements. Don't let this Article's length and degree of detail throw you. 2: No handhole shall be required in a pole 6.0 m (20 ft) or less in height abovegrade that is provided with a hinged base. 410.50 Polarization of Luminaires. The electrical rating shall include the voltage and frequency and shall indicate the current rating of the unit, including the ballast, transformer, LED driver, power supply, or autotransformer. Separately mounted ballasts, trans formers, LED drivers, or power supplies that are listed for direct connection to a wiring system shall not be required to be additionally enclosed. Luminaires over Combustible Material. Protection Through Metal. Luminaire studs that are not a part of outlet boxes, hickeys, tripods, and crowfeet shall be made of steel, malleable iron, or other material suitable for the applica tion. D4(b) Optional Calculation for Multifamily Dwelling, Example No. . One of the requirements is that these units must have a thermal protection device that will disconnect the lamp if the temperature limit is exceeded. If the wiring system provides a means of grounding, exposed conductive parts must be grounded. He has been a master electrician since 1988. The next key item to address is the use of flush and recessed luminaires, and Part X has special provisions for these. Pendant conductors longer than 900 mm (3 ft) shall be twisted together where not cabled in a listed assembly. Recessed high-intensity luminaires designed to be installed in wall or ceiling cavities shall have thermal protec tion and be identified as thermally protected. The idea with this code requirement is that we dont want a heat source, the luminaire, to be in contact with anything that may be stored there. Wiring on or within luminaires shall be neatly arranged and shall not be exposed to physical damage. Usually we found that the shelf depth in the tract homes we inspected was more than 12 inches, so we had to check the clearance of these closet fixtures during a final inspection. NEC Section 410.130(F)(5) For inspections related to location of a luminaire within a closet, we cant install the luminaire within the modified cube shape described in the definition. Introductioin to the National Electrical Code. Exposed accessible terminals in lampholders and switches shall not be installed in metal luminaire canopies or in open bases of portable table or floor luminaires.Exception: Cleat-type lampholders located at least 2.5 m (8 ft) above the. In a completed installa tion, each outlet box shall be provided with a cover unless covered by means of a luminaire canopy, lampholder, recepta cle, or similar device. Open-Circuit Voltage of 1000 Volts or Less. Im not going to cover every one of these items in detail, but please be aware that units installed in wet or damp locations have to be listed for the appropriate location and should prevent water from entering a wiring compartment. Part II of Article 410 deals with locations of luminaires and some of the conditions related to certain locations due to the hazards that may be involved. between the first case and the supply receptacle. Electric-discharge luminaires provided with mogul-base, screw shell lampholders shall be permitted to be connected tobranch circuits of 50 amperes or less by cords complying with240.5. In Ducts or Hoods. Grounding. 410.18 Space for Cove Lighting. This is usually not an issue on 6 or 7 inch recessed cans, as they are typically IC rated and easily checked. Special bases or other devi ces shall be used for over 1500 watts. Properly Secured. For the AHJ, this is once again one of those judgment calls. However, Ive had inspectors try to apply the requirements for closets in 410 to other locations. These are very commonly used in residential construction and are a very important part of the residential inspection process. 410.44 Methods of Grounding. 150 mm (6 in.) The luminaire shall be constructed so that all exhaust vapors, grease, oil, or cooking vapors are excluded from the lamp and wiring compartment. 1.2 m (4 ft) in length shall have one additional support. Luminaires Connected Together. The free lead at the end of a group of showcases has a female fitting not extending beyond the case. Where showcases are cord- connected, the secondary circuit(s) of each electric-discharge lighting ballast shall be limited to one showcase. The NEC specifies a few requirements for outlet boxes, inspection, suspended ceilings, luminaire (fixture) studs, insulating joints, raceway fittings, busways, and trees. Luminaires installed in corrosive locations shall be of a type suitable for such locations. General-purpose electrical equipment includes heaters, switches, receptacles, and cords. As we mentioned earlier, we have a definition for closet storage space. However, the requirements within this article are important to know and enforce. Connection of utilization equipment to facilitate frequent interchange. Chapter 4: Equipment for General Use. The ballast of a fluorescent luminaire installed indoors shall have integral thermal protec tion. Provided with Mogul-Base, Screw Shell Lampholders. The first requirement is that it is to be installed permanently and permanently connected to a branch circuit. Separate Mounting. Pendant luminaires (fixtures) or lampholders and incandescent luminaires (fixtures) whose lamps are not totally enclosed. Elevator cables. Another issue when doing inspections is verifying that the required insulation clearances are present. Receptacles and attachment plugs shall be permitted to be of a lower ampere rating than the branch circuit but not less than 125 percent of the luminaire full-load current. The fixtures must be installed in a manner so that water will not enter or collect in the lampholder, wireway, etc. The Grounding and Bonding and the NEC Section 250 Specific Grounding Problems, Installations And the National Electrical Code Requirements Testing Procedures For Industrial, Commercial And Institutional Electric Power Grounding Systems Practical Solutions To Grounding Problems After Attending, You Will Work More Safely And Efficiently Framing members of suspended ceil ing systems used to support luminaires shall be securely fastened to each other and shall be securely attached to the building structure at appropriate intervals. Chapter 4 of the National Electrical Code (NEC), Equipment for General Use, contains 22 articles. A metal pole with a hinged base shall have the hinged base and pole bonded together. Recessed lighting is an item I emphasize as one of the most important items for inspections. 410.40 General. Luminaires listed and marked for use as a raceway shall be permitted to be used as a raceway. Type IC. 410.46 Equipment Grounding Conductor Attachment. This restriction is not required if the luminaire (fixture) is installed in poured concrete and is approved for this use or when the luminaire (fixture) by construction design provides characterisitics that are equivalent to thermally protected characteristics, and are identified as such. Article 411 addresses lighting systems operating at 30V or less. Wiring of luminaires. A luminaire assembly equipped with a strain reliefand canopy shall be permitted to use a cord connectionbetween the luminaire assembly and the canopy. Conductors shall be secured in a manner that does not tend to cut or abrade the insulation. First is the requirement for properly sized handholes, which allows the installer to make the circuit conductor connections and most importantlythe grounding connections. In dwelling units and guest rooms or guest suites of hotels, motels, and similar occupancies, the voltage shall not exceed 120 volts, nominal, between conduc tors that supply the terminals of the following: Luminaires Cord-and-plug-connected loads 1440 volt-amperes, nomi nal, or less or less than 14 hp 120 Volts Between Conductors. Lampholders of the screw shell type shall be of porcelain or other suitable insulating materials. Along with making sure they have used lamps that are not larger than the luminaire allows per its listing and labeling, these little foil-covered insulation pieces are part of the fixture and are there to ensure we dont have heat transfer from the lamp to the wire terminations. New articles and requirements for never before covered systems and equipment such as Class 4 fault-managed circuits, hazardous locations within commercial and industrial cannabis production facilities, equipotential bonding in and around areas with splash pads, insulated bus pipe/tubular covered conductors systems, and more Location. Just another site Professional. General. The volume bounded by the sides and back closet walls and planes extending from the closet floor vertically to a height of 1.8 m (6 ft) or to the highest clothes- hanging rod and parallel to the walls at a horizontal distance of 600 mm (24 in.) 02/08/2017. Article 110 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) covers the general requirements for the examination and approval, installation and use, access to, and spaces about electrical equipment. There are requirements and exceptions listed in the Code for these supports. What about single pin lamps? Bases, Incandescent Lamps. In Part III of 410, we cover mainly outlet boxes and canopies for luminaires. In other words, the lamp is the disconnect. Where supplied by the ungrounded conduc tors of a circuit, the switching device of auxiliary equipment shall simultaneously disconnect all conductors. Insulating joints that are not designed to be mounted with screws or bolts shall have an exterior metal casing, insulated from both screw connections. Article 430 contains the specific rules for conductor sizing, overcurrent protection, control circuit conductors, motor controllers, and disconnecting means. A brief note regarding 410.18 Space for Cove Lighting: the code states that cove lighting shall have adequate space so that lamps and equipment can be properly installed and serviced. Fire-Resistant Construction. Scope. Luminaire Types Permitted. I will not cover each of these here, please review them on your own so that you will be aware of what is in this part of the code. These must be unswitched lampholders. It is permitted, however, if the luminaire (fixture) is listed for that use. Wet and Damp Locations. nec article 410 contains requirements for installingcushion foundation case One additional 2-wire branch circuit separately supplying one or more of the connected luminaires shall also be permit ted. 410.160 Listing of Decorative Lighting. New Section 406.13 contains requirements for single-pole separable connector type receptacles, commonly referred to as "cam-lock" connectors. In addition to complying with the general requirements for luminaires, such equipment shall comply with Part XII of this article. Part X. Many times workers who are shocked dont die from the electrocution, but from the fall. D12 Park Trailer (See 552.47), ERP and Data Warehousing in Organizations: Issues and Challenges, ERP System Acquisition: A Process Model and Results From an Austrian Survey. The load and the branch-circuit rating cannot exceed the rating of the track. These connectors are required to be listed and be of the locking or latching type. Many of the items have been created directly as a result of disaster conditions through history. Raceway Fittings. Excess wiring shall be avoided. Listed clips identified for use with the type of ceiling framing member(s) and lumin aire(s) shall also be permitted. D5(a) Multifamily Dwelling Served at 208Y/120 Volts, Three Phase, Example No. Secondary Circuit(s). Wet and Damp Locations. Integral Thermal Protection. a disconnecting means either internal or external to each luminaire (fixture), to disconnect simultaneously from the source of supply all conductors of the ballast, including the grounded conductor if any. Lampholders in Wet or Damp Locations. All luminaires shall be marked with the maxi mum lamp wattage or electrical rating, manufacturers name, trademark, or other suitable means of identification. If the ceiling height is adequate to allow a luminaire to be installed above the 8 foot zone, the luminaire must be listed for damp locations; if subject to shower spray, the luminaire must be listed for wet locations. Other. No Other Equipment. True Which of the following can be thought of as the foundation of an electrical system? Secondary Connections. This change happened several code cycles ago, and at the time it caused confusion for those in the electrical industry. A luminaire that weighs more than 3 kg (6 lb) or exceeds 400 mm (16 in.) Part V reviews the grounding requirements and basically states that if a luminaire or lighting equipment has metal parts, it shall be grounded. Then, if you see something that just doesnt look right during an inspection, you will know where to go to verify the code requirements. 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