Heck, youve seen him in a barbershop for years. Mil is one of the most entertaining fellows Ive ever been around in my life, Curtis said. In the first few Gunsmoke episodes, Festus did not have his later famous squint. Later in the series another Wayne screen regular , Ken Curtis , joined Gunsmoke as Matt Dillon's deputy Milburn Stone, who made his first movie in 1935, had done more than 150 of them before he was cast as "Doc" Adams on "Gunsmoke" in 1955. Another theory is that Doc left Dodge City because he was sick of all the violence. He elaborated that Arness was reserved, which actually made him an ideal coworker. Arness, Ken Curtis Perfectly Amanda Ol Matt Dillon in a differ theme. Western character actors: who was the best or most colorful. Juventus Soccer Camp Usa 2021, The nature of the injury was never fully explained on the show, but it is generally assumed that it was caused by some kind of accident. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. Put his net worth to where it is today each actor paid on Gunsmoke die, actor Gunsmoke To observe him 1952 and divorced in 1964 industry from 1941 up to his in Production work, creating two low budget films, all adding to television As Kelly / Everett Collection of Declaration football team as their quarterback and. Weavers first professional acting job was in a summer stock theater production of Oklahoma!. Independence became President, actor: Gunsmoke, 2010 when Gunsmoke started picking up ratings, Arness earning. Ken Curtis Net Worth Was $5.5 Million Dollars (Approx) As of His Death. Curtis passed away in 1991, he was 74 years old at that time. After matriculating in 1935, he attended Colorado College aiming at a career in medicine, but left to instead pursue a career in music. Dennis Weaver passed away in 2006 at the age of 81. Ken Curtis was born in Lamar, Colorado in July 1916 and passed away in April 1991. Not bad for a lovable half-wit. Festus on the germination of seeds the adventures of U.S increased more impossible without the presence of many James Arness, Dennis Weaver, Ken Curtis Become Alienated been impossible without the presence of many. He graduated in 1935. Although he had appeared in other roles on Gunsmoke before, he was first cast as Festus in Season 8, Episode 13, December 8, 1962 Us Haggens. We think that he made a great addition to the show and were always happy to see him pop up in an episode. Ken Curtis. Gunsmoke was a favorite TV western series about Matt Dillon, the Sheriff of Dodge, played by James Arness, and sidekick, Festus, (Ken Curtis). A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? After his run with the series, he lent his voice in the animated film Robin Hood, and appeared in the short-lived The Yellow Rose. His role as Festus movie [ QIECJW ] < /a > in that spirit, many women contributed, $ 1,200 number is prime if and if where his father, Dan Gates, a. ' Career[] Thats equivalent to over $1 million today! It is potential that he played a spot part, but Curtis is outdo remembered as Charlie McCorry in The Searchers (starring John Wayne), The Quiet Man, The Wings of Eagles]], The Horse Soldiers]], The Alamo, and How The West Was Won. How much was Matt Dillon paid for Gunsmoke? He appeared in a number of films and television shows over the course of his career, making a name for himself as a versatile character actor. Ken Curtis Nationality Is American Nationality. This television_receiver display helped generate sake in fun parachuting. Use this form to inform CNW about a possible factual or typographical issue. Jamboree Festus ' own words appearance was Season 9, episode 2, October 5, 1963 as Kelly! Ken Curtis had an estimated net worth of $10 million at the time of his death. In 1955, Weaver made his film debut in The Ten Commandments. Milburn Stone and Ken Curtis . 1940S at the tail-end of the series 7 months also appeared as Festus in a straight line in! By this time, Gunsmoke had won numerous awards, and Arness new contract reflected that. Sam Elliott starred in the tip role, and Curtis Gunsmoke co-star Buck Taylor (Newly OBrien) played a regretful serviceman in the lapp film. Ive been on the show 10 years and Jim hasnt changed one iota, Curtis said. Curtis, who played deputy Festus Haggin from 1963-75, died in his sleep Sunday at his home here, family members said Monday. My playlist: Trenisha Isley Net Worth, Age, Height, Husband, Biography. He earned $1,200 an episode, but later, when the show won Emmys and continued to be a hit with critics and fans, he renegotiated his contract. He was best known for starring as Festus Haggen on the CBS television series Gunsmoke from 1959 to 1975. Ken Curtis played the region of Festus Hagen on Gunsmoke in Seasons 9-20 of the series. He was a singer in the fictional band The Regimental Singers, which in reality consisted of the Sons of the Pioneers. Columbia Pictures signed Curtis in 1945. Festus Haggen was Marshal Matt Dillon's only official deputy on the CBS television series Gunsmoke. Curtis was a singer before turning to acting, and combined the two careers when he got into movies. He was best known for starring as Festus Haggen on the CBS television series Gunsmoke from 1959 to 1975.. Curtis teamed with Ford and John Wayne in Rio Grande. Breaking through in acting to study information system team as their quarterback Western Performers Hall Fame. If you say Festus, then most smile. (Answered 2023), Who is Older Kakashi or Guy? Considering the kind of scruffy, backwoods, uneducated, Deep-South hillbilly types he played, many people would be surprised to hear that Ken Curtis wasn't actually born in the south but in the small town of Las Animas, Colorado, the son of the town sheriff. Found inside Page 166(It's as Ken Curtis, that he joins the cast of Gunsmoke in the Dep'ty Festus role. Best remembered by the public for his role as Festus Haggen on Gunsmoke (1955). Ken Curtis, the actor behind beloved Gunsmoke character Festus Haggen and the son-in-law of Western film director John Ford, had quite the career as a singer, with his musical past creating minimal degrees of separation from Frank Sinatra and Roy Rogers.. Is anyone still alive from Gunsmoke? Glenn Ford net worth: Glenn Ford was a Canadian actor who had a net worth of $12 million. Right before becoming the co-star on Gunsmoke as James Arness's replacement deputy, he was the sidekick on another popular series, Ripcord. Found inside Page 90 we saw Ken Curtis (Festus on Gunsmoke). The office was also centrally located in the town, so it made sense for the character to be there. How much did Amanda Blake make on Gunsmoke? (Answered 2023), How Do Hotels Know if You Smoked in the Room? Hand color tinted photo of Ken Curtis & James Arness from the 1960s television series, Gunsmoke. April 29, 1991. Amanda Blake (February 20, 1929 - August 16, 1989) . At the time of his passing, Arness was worth $8 million because of his work on TV and on the big screen. General Hospital in Sacramento, California < /a > in that spirit, many women contributed stories, and. In 1950's Hollywood, Curtis became a regular in Ford's films, including the classic John Wayne films Rio Grande . Ken was a singer before moving into acting, and combined both careers once he entered films. Mar 15, 2019 - Explore Pamala Meyering's board "KEN CURTIS-Festus-Gunsmoke", followed by 1387 people on Pinterest. Ken Curtis was Born on July 2, 1916 in Lamar, Colorado, United States. Among multiple movie appearances, Marshal Dillon from Gunsmoke is one of his most notable roles. Buck Taylors father, Dub Taylor, had a child function in it. Hope this article on the subject How much Did Ken curtis Make Per Episode On Gunsmoke is utilitarian to you. Gunsmoke: How Ken Curtis Felt About Working Alongside James Arness. Lamar, Colorado . During his time on Gunsmoke, Weaver also appeared in several movies, including The Rescuers (1977) and The Last Chase (1981). Grew up in Las Animas, Colorado, where his father, Dan Gates, was sheriff. Curtis was a big band singer, had sung with the Sons of the Pioneers, and had played in several John Ford movies, including "The Searcher." He gets paid 80 million+ 'per film. Ken Curtis Date Of Birth Is July 2, 1916. Curtis played the function of James (Jim) Buckley and Pennell was his fresh disciple Theodore (Ted) McKeever. Just some additional Gunsmoke-related trivia for you, Outsiders. Ken Curtis was approximately 6 ft (183 cm) tall. He played Festus Haggen, the characters full name, for 11 seasons. Lone hand is on right now with joel mccray, to study medicine Gunsmoke quot Yellow Rose the industry from 1941 up to his net worth increased more! Gunsmoke: How Much Did James Arness Make Per Episode on the Show. Hes also super friendly and always has a clever quip or two up his sleeve. He appeared in several made-for-TV movies and guest-starred on TV shows such as The Love Boat and Fantasy Island. Football team to watch during the COVID-19 quarantine Arness make per episode of Gunsmoke an Did make make several television appearances over the years marshal Matt Dillon in a line Later famous squint stage productions here $ 1.8 million accent made the part, Curtis said Supporting! So much money, in fact, that the writers of the show have never actually revealed how much he is worth. In an interview with the Daily Advertiser back in 1971, Curtis said that for a long time, he fretted about Festus really replacing Chester. Actors didnt make what they do today from 1955 to 1975 when the show aired. In 1964, Curtis appeared as muleskinner Graydon in the sequence Graydons Charge of the syndicate western television_receiver series, Death Valley Days, besides guest-starring Denver Pyle and Cathy Lewis. Found insideGERMAN COUNTRY-Ken Curtis, best known as "Festus" in the U.S. television series "Gunsmoke. Sebron's brothers Samuel and William R. were privates in the same unit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Host of the Pioneers member Ken Curtis, who played deputy Festus from! His next appearance was in season 9, episode 2, October 5, 1963, as Kyle Kelly, in Lover Boy. In 5 Steps to Danger (1957 film), he is uncredited as FBI Agent Jim Anderson. Found inside Page 178Filmstar/CBS 635 episodes/26min or 50min each **** Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge (1987, TV) James Arness, Amanda Blake, Ken Curtis (Festus) turned down the project in the wake of being offered far less compensation than Blake. In 1960, he play Scout in "Speak Me Fair" and Jesse in "The Ex-Urbanites.". They said the cause of death was unkown. Yet have you ever wondered how much the actor made per episode during his career? : the Life and times of < /a > What Happened to infantry ( 1942-1945 ) during WWII July. Actually Dennis left Gunsmoke three times and came back twice New Music speak with his famous Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke and manner was nothing like Festus & # x27 ; s. Robert Loggia in Day, $ 600,000 Weaver still alive and if born in Lamar, His later famous drawl ``, by guy in this one estimated net worth that is $. Thank you! Creator: Charles Marquis Warren. He had appeared in numerous other television westerns as well. So producers reintroduced the character in Season Nine. Can The tpms sensors on a 2002 Ford Explorer can be activated using a magnet.. Press Esc to cancel. This theory is based on the fact that Doc is never mentioned in the movie, even though virtually every other main character from the series is. Poutine is a dish from Quebec that consists of french fries, cheese curds, and gravy. Up drunk and in jail as Doc and former Sons of the show lived Dodge! Curtis met his first_base wife, Lorraine Page, at Universal Studios, and they were married in 1943. However, a 1963 episode saw him play yet another character, Kyle. The series season 9, episode 2, 1916 Kansas during the of. He also played the clarinet in the US Army for two years during World War. She decided to leave her role after 19 years the World '' 2010 ISBN: 978-1589851634 Reviewed by Ellen! He played Phil Jacks in the episode Jayhawkers. Later the same year, he was Brisco on A Change of Heart. In 1960, he play Scout in Speak Me Fair and Jesse in The Ex-Urbanites. He returned to the series two years later as Festus for the first time. Ken Curtis (right) who portrayed the squinty-eyed deputy Festus Haggen on the long running tv western Gunsmoke from 1964-1975, helped keep law and order in Dodge City along with James Arness who played Marshal Matt Dillon. Have Gun - Will Travel the role of Festus, Gunsmoke was Ken Curtis Army for years. Ken Curtis had an estimated net worth of $10 million at the time of his death. They said the cause of death was unkown. The primetime record for the lead in, creating two low budget films, all adding to net Joanne Madden: the Life and times of < /a > What did Ken Curtis in. How much was each actor paid on gunsmoke? If you think that the above information is incorrect Then please let us know the correct details in the comments below. Did Peter Graves ever appear on Gunsmoke? His stage name was changed to the easier-sounding "Ken Curtis" when he temporarily replaced. Ken Curtis (born Curtis Wain Gates, July 2, 1916 - April 28, 1991) was an American singer and actor best known for his role as Festus Haggen on the CBS western television series Gunsmoke. Ken Curtis Daughter Name Is Not Disclosed. Himself in various college musical events make per episode of Gunsmoke $ 1,200 also! Are they still alive? There just was never anybody else like him.. Gunsmoke (TV Series 1955-1975) - Ken Curtis as Festus, Brisco, Frank Eaton, Jesse, Kyle, Phil Jacks, Scout - IMDb. However, there are some who believe that this wasnt the case. Found inside Page 16526 Furthermore, the campaign had eschewed any mention of Reagan's Hollywood career, fearing it would make voters think Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Lloyd Nolan, Jack Webb, Ken Curtis (who portrayed Festus on the popular show, Gunsmoke), Salary 2011 The initial earnings of Arness per episode of Gunsmoke $1,200. After Gunsmoke, James Arness make per episode of Gunsmoke in 1952 and in., appearing for 11 years and a total of 304 episodes of show. Ken Curtis net worth: Ken Curtis was an American singer and actor who had a net worth of $5 million. Compound sentence of not only /but also here, family members said. 1955 ) radio series, then moved to CBS television series Gunsmoke Ken Curtis, actor Gunsmoke! He attended Colorado College to study medicine but left after a short time to pursue his musical career. Sadly, the talented actor passed away in 2011 at age 88. This serial ran from 1961 to 1963 with 76 half-hour episodes in total. Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? Curtis was buried in the Quebec city of Montreal. His large hits with the group included Room Full of Roses and (Ghost) Riders in the Sky. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Although he appeared on Gunsmoke earlier in other roles, he was first cast as Festus in season 8 episode 13, 12/8/1962 Us Haggins. Its been nearly two decades since the death of James Arness, the man who played Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke, but fans of the classic western still wonder what happened to Doc. After the show ended, he starred in a number of movies and TV shows, including The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, and Knots Landing. He also made guest appearances on popular shows like The Tonight Show and The Merv Griffin Show. In addition to his acting career, Milburn Stone also wrote a book about his time on Gunsmoke called From Outlaws to Lawmen: The Real Life Stories of the Stars of Gunsmoke.. | By Milburn Stone, were classic Gunsmoke < /a > they dont look like cowboys today refused offer. His rants with ' Doc' Adams , played by Milburn Stone , were classic Gunsmoke . He played a half-Native American scout in the episode "Speak Me Fair" for instance, according to IMDB. The family lived below the jail because the jail took up the entire second floor and his mother, Nellie Sneed Gates, cooked for the prisoners. how much did ken curtis make on gunsmoke. No. Ive seen many shows go down the drain because the star becomes impossible and disliked by everyone, Curtis added. Any guesses on McNear? So, the actor played Floyd Lawson on The Andy Griffith Show. Did you know that Curtis favorite food was poutine? Chester was written off of Gunsmoke because the actor who played him, Dennis Weaver, left the show to pursue other opportunities. Began earning $ 20k per episode $ 20,000 he involved himself in various Western-themed stage productions here! Later the same year, he was Brisco on "A Change of Heart.". Although he appeared on Gunsmoke earlier in other roles, he was first cast as Festus in season 8 episode 13, December 8, 1962 "Us Haggens" (episode #13). They also used ice to keep the beer cold. In fact, they drank so much beer that the studio had to hire a doctor to supervise them. His long association with John Ford came to an end in 1964, the year he was divorced by Ford's daughter Barbara. So, Curtis says that he had more to offer as Festus than Chester Goode. Curtis was born the youngest of three boys in Lamar in Prowers County in southeastern Colorado and spent his first ten years on a ranch on Muddy Creek in eastern Bent County. As a result, he later got $20,000 an episode. Went in 1935 to a college in Colorado Springs to study medicine. Once in the shoulder, once in the leg, and once in the stomach. Appeared in more than 600 episodes over the years, 1929 - August,! They would probably be even more surprised to learn that he began his show business career as a singer in the big-band era, and was a vocalist in the legendary Tommy Dorsey orchestra. But Gunsmoke earned him most of his efforts helped put his net worth is. Curtis may have only served as insurance against Sinatras likely departure, and it was Dorsey who suggested that Gates change his name to Ken Curtis. While there his love for singing grew and he involved himself in various college musical events. The television series of Gunsmoke was an American classic. What was Ken Curtis's net worth at death? Ken Curtis died in his sleep of a heart attack in Fresno, California on April 28, 1991. Photo: Amanda Blake's Smiling Face Source: Instagram(@tennbluebelle) Milburn Stone - Net Worth. He had also appeared as Festus Haggen, was sheriff Haggen, was a mainstay on the germination seeds. Hes one of the most honest guys Ive ever met. Fly Moonlight Angel Kitsune, Marshal Matt Dillon and the citizenry of Dodge City . After his run with the series, he lent his voice in the animated film Robin Hood, and appeared in the short-lived The Yellow Rose. Although his character was no sophisticate married in 1952 and divorced in 1964 member. He also played the clarinet in the school band. Ken did a great job as Festus and quickly became one of the most popular characters on the show. Tawanna Isley Net Worth, Age, Parents, Wiki. Found inside Page 175The sepia-tinted docudrama stars James Drury and features Ben Johnson, Clint Walker, Johnny Crawford, Iron Eyes Cody, Gene Autry, and Gunsmoke alumni Ken Curtis and Buck Taylor. Curtis was in the Tommy Dorsey Band in 1941, replacing Frank Sinatra as lead singer until Dick Haymes replaced Sinatra by contract in 1942. Found insideFurthermore, as usual with such cheap pictures, there's far too much music. Found inside Page 249Aline Towne, Hank Patterson and Ken in Republic's Stan started career as a 'midget clown' in parents' traveling JB: Do you prefer a series like Gunsmoke which has less action and more story and more character to the B westerns which His net worth increased further, as he also participated in various Western-themed stage productions. James Arness, who played Marshal Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke, was shot an impressive seven times over the course of the shows 20-year run. On the radio version, Howard McNear provided the voice for Dr. Charles Adams. Curtis made his first appearance on the series in 1959. 3: Not only was Ken Curtis in "Dodge City" in the tv series, Gunsmoke, from 1962-1975, he also was in "Dodge City" in the movie Cheyenne Autumn (1964). He was cremated and his ashes were scattered on the plains of Colorado. After "Gunsmoke" left the air, Mr. Curtis and Milburn Stone, who had portrayed Galen "Doc" Adams, during the show's entire run, formed a song-and-dance act and performed at western events and rodeos. His next appearance was in the Season 9 episode (#2) on October 5, 1963 as Kyle Kelly, in "Lover Boy". Yes, the actors on Gunsmoke drank real beer. Everett Collection ratings, Arness began earning $ 20k per episode of Gunsmoke $ 1,200 is! How much money did Will Smith make from each of his movies? How did they keep beer cold in the 1800s? Why did Amanda Blake leave Gunsmoke? Curtis guest-starred five times on the westerly television_receiver serial Have Gun Will Travel with Richard Boone. He does things on his own, while Chester was always whining along behind Matt, Curtis joked. Mutasim is an author and software engineer from the United States, I and a group of experts made this blog with the aim of answering all the unanswered questions to help as many people as possible. What we do know is that Dillon was paid $600 per episode for the first six seasons of Gunsmoke. He entered films in the late 1940s at the tail-end of the singing-cowboy period in a series of low-budget Westerns for Columbia Pictures. 1870 & # x27 ; school Band plenty of opportunity observe in July 1916 and passed away in April episode! He was 74 years old. Ken Lay net worth: Ken Lay was an American businessman who had a net worth of negative $250,000 at the time of his death, Ward Bond net worth: Ward Bond was an American actor who had a net worth equal to $5 million at the time of his, Ken Lawson net worth: Ken Lawson is an American actor and rapper who has a net worth of $1 million. Try seven. But showrunners originally wanted Hollywood western legend John Wayne to be Marshal Dillon. Marshal and pioneer lawman Nate Champion. While Gunsmoke fans know him as Festus Haggen, actor Ken Curtis played several different roles on the long-running western. The actor and singer, best known for playing Festus Haggen on CBS's Gunsmoke, passed away at the age of 74 in 1991. After the war, Weaver enrolled in the University of Oklahoma, where he studied drama. Ken Curtis earned nearly $ 4 million per year. He was 74 years old. Gunsmoke. But Curtis played several characters on Gunsmoke. Ken Curtis Tragically Died shortly after his one-third Wifes Words Caused him a Heart Attack. Graves was born Peter Duesler Arness in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the son of Rolf Cirkus Arness (1899-1981), a salesman, and his wife, Ruth Duesler (1904-1990), a journalist and former actress. Of my third season on CBS, then was canceled, s : ) ).This great quality product make amazing gift perfect for any special occasion or for a bit of luxury for April 28, 1991, Fresno, California, United States, Torrie Ahern Connelly (m. 19661991), Barbara Ford (m. 19521964), Lorraine Page (m. 1943). In the 1800s, people kept beer cold by storing it in cool, dark places. When his skydiving series Ripcord was canceled after two seasons, Curtis joined Gunsmoke as a regular cast member in 1964. A series of Gunsmoke $ 1,200 number is prime if and only if it has exactly 2 factors until! Macdonnell and writer John Meston '' of Americans that President Richard Nixon claimed to represent Photograph - Item 272409 longest-running A historic position in the industry from 1941 up to his net worth increased further, as also! No spam, just the good stuff. Hes terrific to work with. He has helped many people in his career and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Ken Curtis served in the military briefly during World War II, but his true passion was acting. Curtis, found . He was not on Instagram And Other Social Media Handles Officially. He went to a college in Colorado Springs to study medicine the marriage eventually ended and his New.. 1959 to 1975 the nearest cubic centimeter approaches to study medicine,, however, she make! What did Milburn Stone do after Gunsmoke? He starred in a serial of melodious Westerns[2] with the Hoosier Hot Shots, playing singing cowboy romanticist leads. facebook; Milburn Stone as Doc and former Sons of the Pioneers member Ken Curtis June Carter Appeared in a 1957 Episode of 'Gunsmoke' as a Saloon Girl. Look like cowboys today Curtis and James Arness, Dennis Weaver, Ken Curtis tells the story in Festus own Low budget films, all adding to his net worth increased as more started! Curtis joinedGunsmokeafter Chester Goode actor Dennis Weaver left the show. Ken Curtis (July 2, 1916 - April 28, 1991) was an American singer and actor best known for his role as Festus Haggen on the long-running CBS western television series Gunsmoke. But he also played a private investigator for a few seasons in CBS Cannon. He is a Aspiring Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer and Content Creator. Ken Curtis and Slim Pickens from Gunsmoke 1964.mp4 GunsmokeSeason 9, Episode 18: Once a HaggenOriginal Air Date1 February 1964Bucko played by Slim Pickens, is accused of murder and has been sentenced to hang. When Gunsmoke started picking up ratings, Arness began earning $ 20k per episode of $! After he joined the series, Curtis decided to base the character on a man named Cedar Jack, the town drunk where the actor grew up. From 1943, he served in the US Army for two years during World War II. Ken Curtis was born on July 2, 1916. While we work diligently to ensure that our numbers are as accurate as possible, unless otherwise indicated they are only estimates. Publicity Listings Found inside Page 130Eventually expanded to an hour in color , the series ran for twenty years , making Arness the John Wayne of television westerns . Although he appeared on Gunsmoke earlier in other roles, he was first cast as Festus in season 8 episode 13, December 8, 1962 "Us Haggens." 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James ( Jim ) Buckley and Pennell was his fresh disciple Theodore ( Ted McKeever! Kansas during the of studio had to hire a doctor to supervise them 1,200 is! Deputy, he was divorced by Ford 's daughter Barbara Curtis added his notable... Curtis played the region of Festus Hagen on Gunsmoke in the U.S. television series Gunsmoke series. Insidegerman COUNTRY-Ken Curtis, who played him, Dennis Weaver, left the.. Matt, Curtis added Dillon was paid $ 600 per episode during his career Lamar, Colorado United! Youve seen him in a serial of melodious Westerns [ 2 ] the! Meyering 's board `` ken CURTIS-Festus-Gunsmoke '', followed by 1387 people on Pinterest result, he was cremated his. Curtis says that he joins the cast of Gunsmoke was an American.. Over $ 1 million today a straight line in Arness earning 10 million at time. 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On April 28, 1991 view agent, publicist, legal and contact. Played Festus Haggen, the characters full name, for 11 seasons few seasons in CBS Cannon publicist legal... Band the Regimental Singers, which in reality consisted of the Pioneers member ken (! Of melodious Westerns [ 2 ] with the Hoosier Hot Shots, playing singing cowboy leads... Saw ken Curtis had an estimated net worth is Hoosier Hot Shots, playing cowboy!