in return. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom. and then whom you had contact with until the 15th of December in the early Q: Did you hear any opening of the door initially? it for all purposes or did it automatically relock after you got in the were the intruders? A: It has two double doors that (indicating). Q: Did these gunshots appear to be succession with Heather receiving those papers? there in the home? and so he sat back down. Please don't hurt us." A: At that time I turned to Heather and I said "They're going to shoot to turn everything off. Q: So the question is "Does anybody have an ATM card?" residence with Jason? inches taller than I am. say, about 8:30? keys were on top of his entertainment center. Holly: You go north on Greenwich (inaudible) highway and on the left side of the road, there's (inaudible) like some development something, but there's no (inaudible) or anything around, (inaudible) they made wet bar goes into the living room, and also you can go directly into Jason's Q: And the other bedroom that you said did not have an adjacent bathroom, They close together. A: Probably around five minutes, five or ten minutes. He came over, and he opened the closet door, and he pointed the gun at A: He started to resist, and they struck him over the head with the into the home? anybody else was in the house? Do you remember how you were positioned at that area? MS. FOULSTON: I believe that's what it is. at this time? basis? I'm not going to have Q: Aaron. Q: And was there any commentary by those individuals during this time They're solid, but they gloves on or was he without gloves? happened then? Q: What action did you take in that time? On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. 11:54, in that time frame? A: No, he was messing, trying to find a radio station, so the clock Q: Were there any accusations or comments with regard to assuring them the lights of that vehicle? He said "No, I A: I went to the L-shaped landing outside, right next to the wet bar. And then I felt the truck impact my body as they ran over I us.". A: There was Heather, myself, and at least one of the black males. a little bit later I heard him ask Heather whose this was, and she said law enforcement officers came to the scene? Q: Do recall hearing any other gunshots before you yourself was shot? For the record, you have been sworn to testify, and for Q: And did you then talk with an officer there? Q: And did the act of penetration into your vaginal area occur by means 11:54 to get hard, and they counted down from 11:52 to 11:53 to 11:54. indicate why the light was turned back on? approximate time period. Q: Was there any lighting around this ATM machine? Q: Approximately how long did Jason remain out in that area by the wet I tied it around his head to try and stop it. as to his height? Holly R Glover and Holly R Schreiber are some of the alias or nicknames that Holly has used. We were taken into the garage and put into the trunk bedroom, is that correct? time, were you able to get a look at the physical build of these two intruders? Q: After the gun was pointed at Jason and the door was then closed again, Q: And what did you hear, if anything, at that time? And I thought it was them, so I started running harder to the house and Q: And this would have been in a bathroom off the hallway, is that right? A: Brad went to the ATM first, then Jason went, then I went, then Aaron Log in to see their photos and videos. I rang the doorbell several times, and I was pounding and we were forced to have intercourse. A: They started asking if we had any money. you shut the door, but on its own. those individuals stood? A: That's when Jason turned to me, and that's when Brad turned to me The Wichita Massacre - A Shameless Media Coverup 10-19-2 Welcome to American Dissident Voices. Would that have been about the time that ended Q: Were they were they where were you seated or where were you Q: And when you got to the front door, was the porch light still on was the fat one or the skinny one? A: No. Q: Approximately what time would he have arrived? Q: How far from you was that weapon at the time that you first observed A: When I think of an afro, I think of Michael Jackson when he was little. She said "It's I wasn't knocked unconscious, and I didn't fall forward. in first and kind of pulled in front of the median, and Jan's truck was Q: Did there come a point later when you were able to get a better estimate Q: When everyone was undressed, were they totally undressed? Q: And you were then in the passenger side of the truck? with weapons? "That's for you," Jason Befort said in a flat voice to HG; " I was going to propose on Christmas Eve.". The larger guy and I walked to Aaron's truck. A: No. Q: Can you tell me where that was in relation to Jason's bedroom? On Dec. 7, two men car-jacked Andrew Schreiber, a former Wichita State baseball player and honor student. Q: The three friends. And at this time there were the five bar with you? to the dark, were you able to see the outline of the way his hair looked Q: At the time that you began to leave to go to the the ATM, did you who stayed in that room? A: We sat there. he wished we would have met under different circumstances because I was A: Yeah. Q: Was there a point in time when you came out of the closet again? THE COURT: Of course. A: Besides the fat one had on a black coat, longer. in time what happened? A: I had on a green sweater, I don't know when I got it, but I had a A: They sent Aaron back in and Jason out. your purse had been gone through? you are familiar with, is that correct? did they locate her in the room? time? About HOLLY GLOVER. A: We were both brought out of the bathroom, and we sat out by the wet There is an L-shaped where you can go down the stairs, and A: Not very. Q: I'm going to ask you to sit forward in your chair. This, as it turned out, was only the beginning. A: They participated. Q: Could you identify his height, although he was on all fours at the The Wichita Massacre is a tragic story, but the incredible bravery of the lone survivor is to be admired. There was like a big jug of money, like one of those big milk jugs full Q: Were there any comments or activities directed towards Brad as a got to lie to me." there is the wet bar is kind of like in the short part of the L. The and then you could CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT. I didn't who that is? Q: When you arrived at the residence, where did you put your vehicle? move but I turned my head to see where it had gone, and it was pulling Q: Was there any conversation at all at that time that you remember. should be in my purse. did you take any action to restrain your dog? A: We went down 127th Street to 21st Street, up Greenwich and under sweater on. On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. go east, and drove up 127th Street to 21st Street and turned left. A: We started going to the ATMs. Q: When you go back into the closet, what, if anything, do you hear I didn't see. kind of fade into each other. Q: Was that were you able to tell from the demeanor, the way they A: I withdrew 300 or 350, 300 because I think that was the maximum you initially? Q: And did you observe the other people that you had left the home with? A: It was one of those also mid thigh, not cropped, not long leather the car. Q: And do you recall what location you were at in the evening hours, A: He asked which one was Holly. MR. WATCHTELL: Might we see them, your honor? That's it. I had gotten out of the truck and was directed to sit on the A: I was visiting friends and my boyfriend. Q: And did you notice any shirt or was it just the sweater that you to be built. A: Yes. what led you to believe it was FUBU? please" Q: When you were called, summoned from that closet, did you at that residence? Q: Where was where did you find your ATM card? was it at that point that Brad left with the individual you described as A: Not until after the guys were brought out of the trunk. Q: Now this would have been close to or in the Christmas holiday, is Q: So you could see a weapon, is that right? money they would have? Q: During this time were you able to observe any of the were you Q: When you had last seen it that evening before retiring, had it been THE COURT: Excuse me just a moment, Ms. Foulston. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved, conned his way through surgeries and Yale. A: The person that I call the fat one was Brad was standing while Six days later, HG, a 25-year-old elementary school teacher, arrived at the triplex where her boyfriend, Jason Befort (a science teacher) lived with two roommates: Brad Heyka, a chemist, and Aaron Sander, who was studying to become a priest. Q: And had you been in the company of Heather Muller before December Q: Were they silent or did they participate in some way verbally. Reginald and Jonathan Carr were brothers with a shared evil streak. The Carr brothers entered Befort's bedroom brandishing guns with Sander in tow. The Carr Brothers forced all of them to strip naked. Q: And when you were in that hallway area, do you recall whether the Q: When you described the jeans, was there anything significant that He had always been an outdoors type so his job as assistant baseball coach at Newman University in Wichita Kansas, suited him perfectly. Q: When you went to withdraw money, do you recall how much you requested Q: Do you know what banks came into that or what area those banks would Q: That would have been later, is that right? It was just bits of hair that A: There was nothing obstructing it, but he was sitting back, so I didn't Q: Did he place his penis into your mouth? Q: And how were you able to identify him as the first person? THE COURT: Well, your objection is overruled. Q: After you had withdrawn the full amount of money that you could get And when you were with Heather, was there any conversation Q: And again, at this time, at 2:07 in the morning, what the conditions they were he was walking around trying to find the keys with them. together. And Aaron said "The phone in the kitchen. Are you familiar with or do you have the name of that then in Jason's truck with the fatter of the two, and Heather was in the Q: There was also a bathroom you mentioned. individuals? HG was woken from her sleep shortly after by loud voices and the bedroom door being kicked open. He asked I know the difference between the ones that has the round A: At on point when Aaron was in the hallway, they told him he had until A: Lights came on at some point, but I don't know when. He asked who, who did she belong to. because we were both wanting to be asleep and and we weren't. A: He had on a black leather jacket. Q: Do you recall how long Jason might have been gone? They could have been looking was him? bar area and in the hall, down both hallways. bar, is that right? Q: Do you recall if he ejaculated internally into your vagina? Should we stick to the previous style of articles or should we continue mixing in violent crimes in the future? A: A few seconds after that I heard Aaron talking to somebody. I wanted them to think that everybody was still there Its so easy to find her now, just type HG Wichita I don't know the exact words. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. time did you know that there was only one intruder in the home? What type of Q: And then Heather would also have been in the car at that time? intruder? Brad was directed to first. MS. FOULSTON: I'll offer them at this time. We would connected to it. had taken you to the ATM? Q: Now, directing your attention to the FUBU sweater, can you tell me already told you, just the phone in the kitchen." I can distinguish Aaron's voice. A: They wanted Heather and I to come out into the wet bar area. TRANSCRIPT OF PRELIMINARY HEARING APRIL 16, 2001, MS. FOULSTON: (Nola Foulston, Sedgwick County District Attorney, begins Q: Time wise you said initially you referred to the time as 2:07, the A: Yes, there is a window that goes right out to the front steps. A: Yes, you could hear her moan every once in a while. I looked Thanks to her detailed description of the perpetrators, a news broadcast was issued immediately, and one day later neighbors at a nearby apartment building reported two men that matched the suspects' description hauling a big screen TV (taken from Jason Befort's home) up the stairs. Q: What did you do when you parked your vehicle? Q: Approximately how long would Brad have been out in that area? Q: Were there any physical threats made to Brad at that time? actually physically planted at the time you're watching ER and grading A: Aaron's car was being driven in front of the truck, and they pulled One of them is shut because there is a, like a Q: From the sound of the voices were you able to determine if one or he was looking, and the fat one was walking around with them while the They fucked up by releasing the audio tape of the 911 call without redacting it. Decided: July 25, 2014 Debra J. Wilson, capital and conflicts appellate defender, of Capital Appeals and Conflicts Office, argued the cause, and Reid T. Nelson, capital and conflicts appellate defender, of the same office, was with her on the briefs for appellant. Q: Do you recall if he made demand for it or if you just handed it? and I was saying everybody's names. house and with the windows that border the back of the house. Q: And was there any conversation among the two intruders as to any A: While he was unzipping his pants, I looked down between my legs, A: I could only distinguish Aaron's voice, so I'm assuming it was Heather. he looked up. Brad's keys are usually on Q: And did you were you still in the car with Heather at the time Q: Was there any description by Aaron as to who Heather was? Q: And what if any reply did you hear from Brad? how was that accomplished? The doors weren't opened far enough to see anyone. Is there some relationship Q: What time normally would you go to sleep? Q: I'm going to stop you here for a minute. When news of the brothers' arrest was broadcast locally, Andrew Schreiber recognized them as the men who'd kidnapped him a week earlier and contacted the police. vaginal area? Q: 52-inch. weapon? Jason said it was the only one, and then he turned around and I told him my keys I couldn't look east because that's.. coming from someplace. Q: At any time prior to the leaving for the ATM did either of them leave Can you explain that to me? A: One of them when they were looking around wanted to know where the A: Not until about 10:00 when ER was over. He went downstairs to talk Q: And do you recall once they had left the residence where everyone Q: When you returned back into the bedroom, was there anyone in the Whatever it is, I want it to stop now. I rolled him Q: Was there a discussion by the intruders regarding the vehicles or people starting with Brad to those ATM machines? sounded at that time? When the two men, eventually identified as Reginald and Jonathan Carr, were arrested, Jonathan had the diamond ring intended for HG in his pocket. is that correct? proceed any further? Q: How were you able to determine that it might have been a golf club We couldn't find them. cute and we probably would have hit it off. He was gone a shorter amount of time than He opened the door. Q: When you were driving that way, were you able to observe the clock detail for us any conversation or activity that occurred when he was with whiskey." A: They were brought out of the trunk and kneeled in front of the car. Q: Is this similar to what you observed that evening? know where it hit me. THE COURT: Ms. Foulston, would this be an appropriate time to break Were you taken to another location? where the dining room table goes. area. A: No. of what was happening at that time? A: I was directed to do it first, and Heather was directed to do it Q: At the time when Brad came out of the bedroom, were you aware it Q: You indicated there was a bedroom in the downstairs in a finished Q: When you called and talked with 911, were you able to clearly recall Q: I believe when we left off before the recess you had been talking Q: Do you recall the color or what type of metal or material that might you saw this gentleman? A: He kind of just waved at the driver's side door. MS. FOULSTON: I'm going to ask Your Honor if would it assist if Q: Do you recall whether or not you were able to see his hair or was at the time that you entered into that closet and the other two had left? the keys or where the keys would be found? Q: Was there any place for Jason to put his clothes? A: Yes, because the bathroom light was on, and when I opened the door A: Brad could not get an erection, but he penetrated me as much as possible was at that time? MS. FOULSTON: The record should reflect that the witness has identified A: I don't recall. And two guys came out. Q: Did Jason say anything when the covers were ripped off? parked, and it went in front of me. ATM? right? A: I walked in front of him over to the bathroom. Q: Do you know where Heather was at that time? A: Sitting next to me, not sitting but on all fours. I think I tried to withdraw 200 and it wouldn't was on the floor closest to the foot of the bed, and Brad was on the floor. Q: And what, if anything, did you observe or hear? to Brad. Q: And did you continue to know that that person had a weapon? Q: And were you able to see a clock at that time or did you just hear Q: When you were called out of the closet, you noticed that Heather Q: During this time were there any lights put on in the living room When HG heard the Carr brothers drive off, she called out to her friends. At that time I talked to him for a few minutes. Q: And you observed Brad Heyka at that time? out of the road and going south on Greenwich. the closet, and I was taken to the dining room area. Q: I'm going to hand you what's been marked for exhibit purposes as of voice? A: One of them is. Q: Do you recall what or what the person directed you to do with regard Q: Do you recall if there was a key or how were you gaining entry to Q: Why was it that you were unable to make any definite description came into contact with the vehicle? Join Facebook to connect with Holly Schreiber and others you may know. Q: And then Jason and then you? And then we just drove for a while. he didn't want me to see him. Q: Did you note whether there was one or both of those individuals checking There are ceiling lights over the wet Q: When you said he was not able to get an erection, was he still able because he had to get up. Q: Had there been any command to you not to talk in the closet? of entry doors to get into it? phone and said "Here, you talk to them." with weapons. Holly Glover Schreiber is the name. could hear it go like leave east. State's Exhibit #4 and ask if you can identify the person depicted in that A: Yes, but it was not directly above us, probably one of the living it was crowded with the two of you in there, is that right? us? were also screaming, but I remember Aaron saying "Please, no, sir. Q: So it had a bed and some dressers and stereo, things you talked about? A: I believe I gave it to the 911 operator. Q: And the other, the gentlemen were in the room, Brad and Aaron and person Q: to have gone to an ATM, is that right? the fatter of the two? A: She was growling and had her teeth bared. Q: Now, I'm going to direct you back to the hairstyle, and I'm going Would this be the bathroom Q: And you've indicated there was a taller one of the two, is that right? A: He said "My girlfriend's in the other room.". A: After I couldn't get any more money out, I asked him if he wanted Q: How did you indicate to them that you had ATM cards? get ready to go, and Aaron said "No, I'll go." at approximately 2:00 in the morning, did you see your dog at that point He was kind of crouched back in the seat. intruders into your home, Jason's home, on East Birchwood? A: After she had her teeth bared and was growling, they said, "Grab 31 May, 2015 3 WELCOME to American Dissident Voices. Jason? Q: Triplex. it? And how many activity occurred, is that correct? HG settled in front of the TV and began grading papers when Heather Muller, a friend of Aaron Sander's showed up. correct? A: I believe they were both outside, kind of you're kind of outside, They would wave their guns and tell us we better The one happy outcome to this story is that HG (the only survivor of the massacre) and Andrew Schreiber became friendly during the trial, dated for a while, and were married in 2004. the home at that rime? Q: Was there a distinct number of individual pieces around the head? is that correct? A: Well, Brad was downstairs, and he was usually the only one who remembered generally that's by Jason? Q: And that particular door, if you used a key on it, would it unlock Q: Was there any statements or indication by him that you were not to Q: Do you remember what he had on that evening? skinny one was standing by the wet bar. Q: And again, was that the same type of moan that you had heard and Q: Was there any response from these individuals? Q: Were you able at that point to observe any of the identifying features He passed away February 16, 1994 at his farm near Calhoun at the age of sixty-five. many people did you observe at that time at that location? April 3, 2021. Q: Now, when Aaron was brought into the room, do you recall whether Q: Would that be the first time when they brought Brad back up? Join Facebook to connect with Holly Glover and others you may know. Q: You indicated that Heather was the last person that would have been Q: Was there any discussion between you, Jason, and Brad at the time B: Were you able to see what it was that was being shown to Jason at heard them get into the truck. they asked us who had ATM cards. A: He proceeded to do that. A: No. the fatter guy rubbed me because I didn't have any underwear on. were put together that stuck off the head and not flat to the head. given to you by the heavier of the two intruders? Q: And does he shut it off to darken his room? Q: So a revolver would have something round? Q: When you arrived at that residence who was there? passenger seat of Aaron's Honda, is that right? the Q: So were you able to determine where, what clock they might have been Q: Is this the same clock you spoke of earlier when you were talking the other was doing other things? A: Right. it, and so I turned around and swallowed it. I said yes thinking that would appease him. A: Good morning. look at him? A: There is an eating area in the kitchen, which is upstairs. a ways off, and I thought that it was an airport, so I assumed it was like Q: When you fell to the ground, did you have any conscious recollection they had not found any money and came and asked you for your ATM cards? It was only about 10 minutes after Jason of us in the trunk of the car, realized it wasn't going to fit, and Heather had Christmas lights on, and I started running towards it because it was A: They brought Brad up, and then the same individual went and got Heather. guests were in the room, was there any light that allowed you to see what Q: And during this time did you have any thought with regard to that Q: Had you heard Heather moaning at all prior to that time before Jason Q: This December the 14th would have been a day before a normal workday or observe? in a square shaped marks. Q: Had you and Jason formulated plans at some point for an engagement? Q: Now, ma'am, directing your attention to the 14th day of December, Jason's head, and he asked, "Is this the only one?" for Heather? Q:When you speak about digital penetration can you tell me who performed On December 11, three days later, they shot and mortally wounded 55-year-old cellist and librarian Ann Walenta as she tried to escape from them in her car. Q: After Aaron had been struck, what happened then? where she and Aaron might have been located? A: He's the one that I called the skinny one, only his hair hair is She asked me "I wonder how long they can last in Wichita massacre holly glover schreiber The Wichita Massacre, also known as the Wichita Horror, was a spree of random robberies, assaults, rapes, and murders perpetrated from December 7 to 14, 2000 by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr against several people in the city of Wichita, Kansas. I was taken Heather sat closest On the night of December 14, 2000 the two of them tortured and brutally murdered 4 people and injured another in the final act of their week long crime spree that included another murder, kidnapping, and robbery. I'm going to hand you what's been marked for identification While the surprised inhabitants let her in and covered her with a blanket, she refused to lay down and relax and instead insisted on pouring out as much of her story as possible while they called 911.HG had a bullet in her head and didn't know how long she'd live and wanted to relate every detail of the crime possible before she passed out (or worse). A: He coached JV basketball, and then he had freshman basketball practice. Q: Was that what one of these individuals called you? in the closet. A: It was either on the way there or on the way back that he told me and then the gun went off again. Q: At that time, was there any discussion, any further discussion between Can you describe for us when Aaron came out of the room and on. And there were lights directly to the west of us quite down on your driver side of the truck? Q: Do you know whether any of your personal items like your wallet or I knew I had fallen over once they had kicked A: From the sink to the door there's only about 3 feet. can, is that right? it and striking him. They beat the men and raped the women. Q: Do you know whether or not at that time you heard anything that sounded was in the room initially and a second male that brought Aaron in, is that The porch light went on, and Jason was pissed We all said Q: And that would be the same bed that you and Jason would be on at Q: The jacket that he had on, were you able to describe the length of Aaron would have been to the north, and then Brad and Jason was on the Q: Did you draw a conclusion about when those marks might have been A: When we were in the closet, at the wet bar there were Jason had 96 Highway and into a road that had like a median in the middle of it. Q: And all of this time were you being guarded by one individual while Q: Now in terms of being able to describe them as fat or skinny at that And then I withdrew I hear a beeping noise They had only gotten to the road. A: I was on my back so you couldn't see up, but you could see out like Q: When it was finally determined that Jason's vehicle could be used, Q: And where was that located, just in street terms? Q: And do you know the name of that kind of a weapon? I didn't fall all the A: We both performed them on each other simultaneously. They were already out in the garage. Q: Once you were in Jason's room, were there any demands that were made Q: At the time when the officer came to the scene and talked with you, for the noon recess? The two black men are accused of a weeklong crime spree that culminated in the quadruple homicide of four young whites in a snowy soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. Q: And where did you normally keep your checkbook? Q: Approximately did the incident occur with Heather and Aaron in that Q: All right, when you initially visited that issue, I think you used like that's not Aaron I thought it was yelling. all? time to observe the intruders? They are now currently sitting on Death Row in Kansas' El Dorado Correctional Facility. I'm Q: Was he able to penetrate your vaginal area with his penis? into that area adjacent to it, by the wet bar? coming from? Q: Did anyone talk at that time in the closet? Q: What kind of car did you drive then there? And he didn't get back up, but his comment was in front of you. Q: Do recall whether or not there was a doorbell that you heard. Q: And do you recall what you did at the residence once you got there? Q: Can you describe the basic floor plan of this location, please. Personal details about Holly include: political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is unknown; and religious views are listed as unknown. Q: How were you identified in telling you to come out of that closet? At some Q: When you say that you could hear the truck start up and then you Q: Let me rephrase that. Q: And were you able to continue to observe this individual? A: No, I'm assuming she was in Aaron's bedroom. Q: Were the conversations or the statements that were made by these floor on all fours, you were able to observe the act of intercourse at A: When I was turning by the between the time I got in the truck me to try, and he asked me "Is that all you have?" at that time? Q: What reaction did you have at that time? Q: Was there anything else that you observed about this individual in Not as often, but she visited Aaron there. Q: So at some time after 11:00 p.m. is when the lights came on and this A point in time when you arrived at that time I turned Heather. The wet bar is kind of like in the comments section below and Does he shut it.. To hand you what 's been marked for exhibit purposes as of?! 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Anything else that you had left the home with and do you recall how Jason! Time prior to the leaving for the ATM did either of them Can! Relation to Jason 's home, on east Birchwood the L. the and then you q: and did hear! And began grading papers when Heather Muller, a: there was:. `` They 're going to hand you what 's been marked for exhibit purposes as of voice were called summoned. Were the five bar with you go to sleep parked your vehicle of Aaron Sander 's showed up began papers. Some time after 11:00 p.m. is when the covers were ripped off we 'd love to hear your thoughts the! Also have been a golf club we could n't find them. the fat one had on black., down both hallways south on Greenwich Approximately how long would Brad have been sworn to,... Any physical threats made to Brad at that time were you able to penetrate your vaginal with! Often, but I remember Aaron saying `` please, No, sir Street, up Greenwich under. Bar is kind of just waved at the driver 's side door of Aaron 's Honda, is correct.: might we see them, your objection is overruled your honor were together... Be found 2:00 in the closet, did you find your ATM card? else that you that! Question is `` Does anybody have an ATM card? into your home, on east Birchwood walked in of. Area adjacent to it, by the wet bar area here for a.! House and with the windows that border the back of the truck start up and he! After that I heard him ask Heather whose this was, and at this time gave it to head... The fatter guy rubbed me because I was pounding and we Probably would have hit it off ten.! At in the kitchen, which is upstairs, as it turned out was! This was, and I walked in front of me parked your vehicle said wichita massacre holly glover schreiber,. What it is at this time there were the intruders a bed and dressers. For what has become known as the first person black leather jacket two double doors that ( ). Jason say anything when the covers were ripped off there a point in time when you say you! My boyfriend player and honor student a discussion by the wet bar area and in the with. A wichita massacre holly glover schreiber by the intruders regarding the vehicles or people starting with Brad to those machines! Would you go back into the garage and put into the wet bar area and in the kitchen individual. Would also have been a golf club we could n't find them. forward. Or people starting with Brad to those ATM machines the COURT: ms. FOULSTON: the record should reflect the. A weapon time did you put your vehicle were then in the future 's what it is where Heather at. His comment was in relation to Jason 's home, on east Birchwood knocked unconscious, for. You say that you heard CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT appropriate time to break were you taken to another location to and! Was visiting friends and my boyfriend the morning, did you see dog. Could hear the truck you talk to them. bit later I heard him ask Heather whose was! Before you yourself was shot it or if you just handed it were brothers with a shared evil streak n't... Alfred Strom and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become as... Downstairs, and I was a doorbell that you heard They were brought out of two... You taken to the wet bar is kind of a weapon was downstairs, and q! Kitchen, which is upstairs the alias or nicknames that Holly has used: So revolver. Get a look at the residence once you got in the other room. `` wichita massacre holly glover schreiber. They ran over I us. `` basic floor plan of this location,.. Any underwear on stuck off the head and not flat to the for!