Such a filing is deemed for sentencing purposes to be the equivalent of a substantial assistance pleading. 201 require proof of "corrupt intent," while the '"gratuity" provisions do not. Takes into account the need for the defendant to provide restitution to any victims of the offense. See United States v. Sells Engineering, Inc., 463 U.S. 418 (1983). The exact terms of the agreement may also become relevant if the government attempts to prosecute the witness for some offense in the future. Ordinarily, these "use immunity" provisions should be relied on in cases in which attorneys for the government need to obtain sworn testimony or the production of information before a grand jury or at trial, and in which there is reason to believe that the person will refuse to testify or provide the information on the basis of his/her privilege against compulsory self-incrimination. Given these more flexible requirements, an NPA is preferable for many defendants. Sentencing Agreements. In Chapter 5, Part K of the Sentencing Guidelines, the Commission has listed departures that may be considered by a court in imposing a sentence. A global provider of best-in-class risk data, integrated technology solutions and due diligence services for managing regulatory and reputational risk. It is important to the fair and efficient administration of justice in the federal system that the government bring as few charges as are necessary to ensure that justice is done. An NPA is not made public unless the prosecutors seek to publicize their investigation results or the company or individual must disclose the agreement. apply if a prosecution by the USAO is commenced against Uber as a result of a breach of this Agreement. Other prosecutorial decisions can be equally significant. Development Agreement means that certain Development Agreement between Assignor and the Trustee dated as of even date herewith. A plea agreement may be entered into in the absence of such an assurance, but only if the defendant is willing to accept without contest a statement by the government in open court of the facts it could prove to demonstrate his/her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Every United States Attorney or Department of Justice Section Chief (or Assistant Chief) or Office Director shall maintain documentation of the facts behind and justification for each substantial assistance pleading. The sanctions or other measures available under the alternative means of disposition; The likelihood that an effective sanction will be imposed; The effect of non-criminal disposition on federal law enforcement interests; and. Non-prosecution agreements (NPAs) are legally binding arrangements between government agencies such as the Department of Justice and companies or individuals facing a criminal or civil investigation. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Rule 11(a)(3) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, requires the court to consider "theparties' viewsand the public interest in the effective administration of justice" before it accepts a plea of nolo contendere. The use of NPAs and/or DPAs is an established and frequently used tool in the U.S. and is becoming increasingly relevant in Europe and in some APAC countries (e.g. Intellectual Property License Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.11. The importance of the case to enforcement of criminal laws in the United States. The attorney for the government must obtain supervisory approval before filing any substantial assistance motion pursuant to section 5K.1.1 of the Sentencing Guidelines or Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 35. Additional filters are available in search. Usually such a concession by the government will be all that is necessary, or warranted, to secure the cooperation sought. 1998); see also JM 9-11.130. Taking a position on detention or release pending judicial proceedings; Opposing offers to plead nolo contendere; Entering into non-prosecution agreements in return for cooperation; and, That prosecutorial decisions are made at an appropriate level of responsibility, and are made consistent with these principles; and. 2023 Thomson Reuters. As one court put it, "the public might well not understand or accept the fact that a defendant who denied his guilt was nonetheless placed in a position of pleading guilty and going to jail." In the typical case, such a recommendation will be appropriate. Except as provided in JM 9-27.440, the attorney for the government should not enter into a plea agreement with a defendant who admits his/her guilt but disputes an essential element of the government's case. trailer Attorneys for the government should familiarize themselves with these alternatives and should consider pursuing them if they are available in a particular case. Non-Prosecution Agreement - Compliance Mitigation Non-Prosecution Agreement You are here: Home / Government Investigations / Non-Prosecution Agreement October 16, 2020 By Michael Santos Our team strives to help business owners avoid government investigations and criminal prosecutions. Thus, it is clear that a criminal defendant has no absolute right to enter a nolo contendere ("nolo") plea. At the outset, the attorney for the government should bear in mind that he/she will have to introduce at trial admissible evidence sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction, or else the government will suffer a dismissal, or a reversal on appeal. NPAs are not filed with and do not involve review by a court. Re: Non Prosecution Agreement. Someone with only tangential information about a small portion of a criminal enterprise is less likely to be offered a non-prosecution agreement than someone who can testify to the entire operation. Although these principles deal with the specific situations indicated, they should be read in the broader context of the basic responsibilities of federal attorneys: making certain that the general purposes of the criminal lawassurance of warranted punishment, deterrence of further criminal conduct, protection of the public from offenders, and rehabilitation of offendersare adequately met, while making certain also that the rights of individuals are scrupulously protected. The list of relevant considerations is not intended to be all-inclusive. Written agreements will facilitate efforts by the Department to monitor compliance by prosecutors with Department policies and the guidelines. 1. The more valuable the persons cooperation is to the prosecutions case, the more likely that a non-prosecution agreement will be in the public interest. The importance of the investigation or prosecution to an effective program of law enforcement, or consideration of other national security or governmental interests; The value of the person's cooperation to the investigation or prosecution; The person's relative culpability in connection with the offense or offenses being investigated or prosecuted and his/her history with respect to criminal activity; and, Non-prosecution based directly or indirectly on the testimony or other information or cooperation that has been or will be provided; or. This approval is required whether or not a case is resolved through a negotiated plea. II 3. These mechanisms JM 9-27.300 also expresses the principle that a defendant generally should be charged with the most serious offenses that are encompassed by his/her conduct, and that are readily provable. R. Crim. [cited inJM5-11.113;JM9-27.220;JM9-28.1100]. Such information regarding compulsion orders may be available by telephone from the Policy and Statutory Enforcement Unit in the Office of Enforcement Operations of the Criminal Division. JM 9-27.640 sets forth special cases that require approval of non-prosecution agreements by the appropriate Assistant Attorney General. At the very least,a forceful presentation should make it clear to the public that the government is unwilling to condone the entry of a special plea that may help the defendant avoid legitimate consequences of his/her guilt. Due to his reputation for excellence, Attorney Nathan is available to consult with you and can explain how he is able to work within your budget. 44 0 obj <> endobj Comment. People involved in criminal activity try to cover their tracks and make sure that they only people who know about the crime are the participants. A departure requires approval by the court. This does not mean, however, that a criminal prosecution must be commenced. Prosecutors often prefer to have eyewitness testimony as it is usually more compelling for a jury. For companies and prosecutors alike, NPAs and DPAs provide several benefits. Access API and feed documentation, code samples and more. Another potentially useful alternative to prosecution in some cases is pretrial diversion. 1981). Stipulations to untrue facts are unethical. The procedures described above shall also apply to Motions filed pursuant to Rule 35(b) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, where the sentence of a cooperating defendant is reduced after sentencing on motion of the United States. Still, despite the aggressive tendencies of government prosecutors in today's tense legal landscape, there are many ways in which white collar criminal defendants can minimize or avoid punishment, including the use of deferred and non-prosecution agreements (DPAs and NPAs). A contractual arrangement between a US government agency (such as the. Neither this statement of principles nor any internal procedures adopted by individual offices create any rights or benefits. Re: NEC Corporation - Cooperation and Non-Prosecution Agreement. Comment. Comment. 1546), 9-143.000- Collection Of Criminal Monetary Impositions, Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance. [36] Non-Prosecution Agreement, Avnet Asia Pte. This should be done in opencourteven in the rare case in which the government does not oppose the entry of a nolo plea. For example, approvals to drop charges in a particular case might be given because the United States Attorney's office is particularly over-burdened, the case would be time-consuming to try, and proceeding to trial would significantly reduce the total number of cases disposed of by the office. In a case in which the defendant tenders a plea of guilty but denies committing the offense to which he/she offers to plead guilty, the attorney for the government should make an offer of proof of all facts known to the government to support the conclusion that the defendant is in fact guilty. A person who otherwise is, or isexpected to become of major public interest. waive certain legal defenses should a formal prosecution take place in the future. The language of JM 9-27.400 with respect to sentence agreements is intended to cover the entire range of positions that the government might wish to take at the time of sentencing. Cooperate with the Probation Service in its preparation of the presentence investigation report; Review the presentence investigation report; Highlight critical facts and sentencing considerations in a way that accurately and compellingly supports the governments recommended sentence; Make a factual presentation to the court when: Sentence is imposed without a presentence investigation and report; It is necessary to supplement or correct the presentence investigation report; It is necessary in light of the defense presentation to the court; or, Be prepared to substantiate significant factual allegations disputed by the defense; and. First, prosecutors may bargain for a sentence that is within the specified United States Sentencing Commission's guideline range. 851 concerning prior convictions is a penalty enhancement, not an offense, and should be pursued when, exercising sound prosecutorial discretion and under the totality of the circumstances, it is deemed appropriate. In evaluating victim interests and determining whether to pursue a non-criminal disposition, the prosecutor should be available to confer with the victim in furtherance of the Crime Victims Rights Act (CVRA) and in accordance with the Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance. For example, in the case of a defendant who could be charged with five bank robberies, a decision to charge only one or to dismiss four counts pursuant to a bargain precludes any consideration of the four uncharged or dismissed robberies in determining a guideline range, unless the plea agreement included a stipulation as to the other robberies. Related to Non-Prosecution Agreement. Before seeking a non-prosecution agreement, prosecutors will attempt to use three other ways to get the necessary information: If those three methods of getting cooperation are not good options under the circumstances, then prosecutors will consider entering into a non-prosecution agreement. Sentences Above or Below the Guidelines. Cross License Agreement has the meaning set forth in Section 1.3(b). A determination to prosecute represents a policy judgment that the fundamental interests of society require the application offederalcriminal lawto a particular set of circumstancesrecognizing both that serious violations of federal law must be prosecuted, and that prosecution entails profound consequences for the accused, crime victims, and their families whether or not a conviction ultimately results. If the testimony is necessary to successfully prosecute the crime, prosecutors will sometimes agree not to prosecute someone who had a minor role in the crime in exchange for the information. One purpose of such procedures should be to ensure consistency in the decisions within each office by regularizing the decision -making process so that decisions are made at the appropriate level of responsibility. For example, the Non-Prosecution Agreement ("NPA") described in item 5 of this section, which UBS entered into with the US Department of Justice ("DOJ"), Criminal Division, Fraud Section in connection with UBS's submissions of benchmark interest rates, including, among others, the British Bankers' Association London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR"), was terminated by the DOJ based on its determination that UBS had committed a US crime in relation to foreign exchange matters. Authority to approve such pleadings is limited to the United States Attorney, the Chief Assistant United States Attorney, and supervisory criminal Assistant United States Attorneys, or a committee including at least one of these individuals. In other less predictable contexts, federal prosecutors should strive to avoid unnecessary public references to wrongdoing by uncharged third-parties. In determining whether a person's cooperation may be necessary to the public interest, the attorney for the government, and those whose approval is necessary, should weigh all relevant considerations, including: Comment. For example, in those cases where the offense to which a defendant is pleading guilty requires as an element that a third-party have a particular status (e.g., 18 U.S.C. However, the interests of justice and the public interest often will be best served if the prosecutor handling the matter makes a recommendation as to an appropriate sentence. Recommendations Required by Plea Agreements. Charge agreements envision dismissal of counts in exchange for a plea. Other Considerations. The concession required by the government as part of a plea agreement, whether it be a "charge agreement," a "sentence agreement," or a "mixed agreement," should be weighed by the responsible government attorney in the light of the probable advantages and disadvantages of the plea disposition proposed in the particular case. This principle provides the framework for ensuring equal justice in the prosecution of federal criminal offenders. Settlement agreements, such as non-prosecution agreements (NPAs) and deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs), have come to play a central role in resolving corporate criminal cases, including bribery cases. A contractual arrangement between a US government agency (such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)) and a company or an individual facing a criminal or civil investigation. For example, the Non-Prosecution Agreement (NPA) described in item E of this section, which UBS entered into with the US Department of Justice (DOJ), Criminal Division, Fraud Section in connection with UBS's submissions of benchmark interest rates, including, among others, the British Bankers Association London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), was terminated by the DOJ based on its determination that UBS had committed a US crime in relation to foreign exchange matters. NPAs for. However, Justice Department policy only allows prosecutors to enter into a non-prosecution agreement if there is no other way to get the information, the public interest is furthered by entering into the agreement and a supervisor approves the non-prosecution agreement. Among the options are: taking no position regarding the sentence; not opposing the defendant's request; requesting a specific type of sentence (e.g., a fine or probation), a specific fine or term of imprisonment, or not more than a specific fine or term of imprisonment; and requesting concurrent rather than consecutive sentences. The probable sentence or other consequences if the person is convicted in the other jurisdiction. Both are permissible, but one is more complicated than the other. Provide an opportunity for victim allocution. If a prosecution is to be concluded pursuant to a plea agreement, the defendant should be required to plead to a charge or charges: Comment. Once it has been determined to commence prosecution, either by filing a complaint or an information, or by seeking an indictment from the grand jury, the attorney for the government must determine what charges to file or recommend. Such a plea does not require that the actual sentence range be determined in advance. In a case in which a non-prosecution agreement is reached in return for a person's cooperation, the attorney for the government should ensure that the case file contains a memorandum or other written record setting forth the terms of the agreement. The attorney for the government should oppose attempts by the court to impose any sentence that is: (1) not supported by the law or the evidence; (2) unreasonable in light of 18 U.S.C. The attorney for the government should not enter into a non-prosecution agreement in exchange for a person's cooperation without first obtaining the approval of the appropriate Assistant Attorney General when: Comment. Similarly, for Department of Justice attorneys, approval authority should be vested in a Section Chief or Office Director, or such official's deputy, or in a committeethat includes at least one of these individuals. Although these materials are designed to promote consistency in the application of federal criminal laws, they are not intended to produce rigid uniformity among federal prosecutors in all areas of the country at the expense of the fair administration of justice. However, a court may not impose such an increased penalty unless the United States Attorney, has filed an information with the court, before trial or before entry of a plea of guilty, setting forth the previous convictions to be relied upon. For example, to convict persons who are part of a large-scale, nationwide drug-trafficking enterprise the public interest might be served by a non-prosecution agreement with someone who played a minor role in the enterprise, but it might not be in the overall public interest to do so for a case involving a small, local conspiracy to sell illegal drugs. The problem for the U.S. Attorneys office is that the people involved in the crime will not testify truthfully because by doing so they would be incriminating themselves, and the 5th Amendment bars the prosecutors from forcing the testimony. Rather they are meant to focus the decision-maker's attention on factors that probably will be controlling in the majority of cases. Freedom of Information Act or other considerations may suggest that the final decision be memorialized on a separate form rather than on the recommendation itself. Despite the constitutional validity of Alford pleas, such pleas should be avoided except in the most unusual circumstances, even if no plea agreement is involved and the plea would cover all pending charges. [updatedFebruary 2018] [cited inJM9-16.300;JM9-16.320;JM9-27.300;JM9-28.1300]. Chief U.S. District Judge James D. Peterson scheduled sentencing for April 19, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. Aguilar faces a maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison. As a series of cases makes clear, there is ordinarily "no legitimate governmental interest served" by the government's public allegation of wrongdoing by an uncharged party, and this is true "[r]egardless of what criminal charges may . See alsoJM 9-16.010. Finally, the attorney for the government should make it clear that his/her agreement relates only to non-prosecution and that he/she has no independent authority to promise that the witness will be admitted into the Department's Witness Security program or that the Marshal's Service will provide any benefits to the witness in exchange for his/her cooperation. The provisions set forth hereafter describe the conditions that should be met before such an agreement is made, as well as the procedures recommended for such cases. 0000004364 00000 n For more information regarding the Departments obligations to victims, see the Crime Victims Rights Act, 18 U.S.C. Two former Fox executives are on trial, accused of bribing South American soccer officials for TV rights to one of the continent's biggest annual tournaments and using information gathered in . And the government's position during the sentencing process will help ensure that the court imposes a sentence consistent with 18 U.S.C. Under Rule 11(b)(3), the court must be satisfied that there is "a factual basis" for a guilty plea. This means that when a guideline range is 18 to 24 months, the prosecutor has discretion to agree to recommend a sentence of, for example,18 to 20 months rather than to argue for a sentence at the top of the range. In order to ensure that the relevant facts are brought to the attention of the sentencing court fully and accurately, the attorney for the government should: Emphasize Critical Facts and Arguments. For more than a decade, the U.S. Department of Justice (the DOJ) has used Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) and Non-Prosecution Agreements (NPAs) as a leading instrument to resolve allegations of corporate criminal misconduct. Section 5K1.1 of the Sentencing Guidelines allows the United States to file a pleading with the sentencing court which permits the court to depart below the indicated guideline, on the basis that the defendant provided substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of another. Attachment B -Non-Prosecution Agreement with Patterson Companies, Inc. United States v. Animal Health International, Inc. Non-Prosecution Agreements (NPAs) and Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) provide regulators with tools to reach settlement agreements with corporations who run afoul of the FCPA (and/or other federal laws) without having to indict them. To this end, the attorney for the government is strongly encouraged to enter into a plea agreement only with the defendant's assurance that he/she will admit, the facts of the offense and of his/her culpable participation therein. In the context of public plea and sentencing proceedings, this means that, in the absence of some significant justification, it is not appropriate to identify (either by name or unnecessarily-specific description), or cause a defendant to identify, a third-party wrongdoer unless that party has been officially charged with the misconduct at issue. Any time a defendant enters into a negotiated plea, that fact and the conditions of the agreement should also be maintained in the office case file. A high-level federal, state, or local official; An official or agent of a federal investigative or law enforcement agency; or. If a plea of nolo contendere is offered over the government's objection, the attorney for the government should state for the record why acceptance of the plea would not be in the public interest; and he/she should alsooppose the dismissal of any charges to which the defendant does not plead nolo contendere. 1996); United States v. Briggs, 513 F.2d 794 (5th Cir. In entering into a non-prosecution agreement, the attorney for the government should, if practicable, explicitly limit the scope of the government's commitment to: Comment. An NPA is not made public unless the prosecutors seek to publicize their investigation results or the company or individual must disclose the agreement. <<7295E50881818D428EE8A5C547EAEBE7>]/Prev 40860>> Before recommending a sentence that reflects a departure or variance from the advisory guideline range, the attorney for the government must obtain supervisory approval.Comment. 1. The attorney for the government should exercise extreme caution to ensure that his/her non-prosecution agreement does not confer "blanket" immunity on the witness. P. 5.1(a)),and is the minimal requirement for indictment by a grand jury. The repository or repositories of this documentation need not be the case file itself. Consequently, it is often preferable to have a jury resolve the factual and legal dispute between the government and the defendant, rather than have government attorneys encourage defendants to plead guilty under circumstances that the public might regard as questionable or unfair. Moreover, a decision not to prosecute a violation of federal law pursuant to Section 12(a) of the Classified Information Procedures Act would trigger a reporting requirement to the Congress, and may not take place without the approval of the Assistant Attorney General for National Security. 3553, and are listed above. The procedures to be followed in such cases are set forth in JM 9-21.000. Every enforceable "agreement" between a defendant and a prosecutor is in writing, and they're typically all entered with the court. It guarantees that every defendant will start from the same position, charged with the most serious criminal act he/she commits. Nevertheless, government attorneys can and should discourage Alford pleas by refusing to agree to terminate prosecutions where an Alford plea is proffered to fewer than all of the charges pending. In addition to reviewing the concerns that prompted the decision to prosecute in the first instance, particular attention should be given to the need to ensure that the prosecution will be both fair and effective. (No agreement should be made as to any crime(s) not disclosed by the defendant.). Federal prosecutors should oppose the acceptance of a nolo plea, unless the United States Attorney and the appropriate Assistant Attorney General concludes that the circumstances are so unusual that acceptance of the plea would be in the public interest. under the terms of a non-prosecution agreement. 0000002349 00000 n Except as hereafter provided, the attorney for the government should also charge, or recommend that the grand jury charge, other offenses only when, in his/her judgment, such additional charges: Provide the basis for an appropriate sentence under all of the facts and circumstances of the case; or. By setting forth this fact explicitly,JM 9-27.150is intended to foreclose efforts to litigate the validity of prosecutorial actions alleged to be at variance with these principles or not in compliance with internal office procedures. SeeNader v. Saxbe, 497 F.2d 676, 679 n. 18 (D.C. Cir. 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