Date: 15/03/2023 Venue: . Over 20 CEUs available for social workers! agencies, departments or programs may not be considered for any award, Allows/encourages its staff to be involved in professionally affiliated groups, to do Please visit our conference website to register for this years conference. Go to Upcoming Event List. 201 Columbine St. #6147, Denver, CO 80206 window.FB.init({ Engage with other professionals leaving you inspired and renewed! The 2023 NASW Louisiana Annual Conference will bring together social workers, allied professionals, and social work thought leaders from across the state, and around the country, for three (3) days of continuing education and networking to discuss todays hot topics, best practices, and latest trends in the industry. National Social Work Month was officially born in 1984 when the White House recognized March as the month to celebrate these everyday heroes.

Social work can be emotionally draining . World Social Work Day takes place on 21 March 2023.This year's theme is 'Respecting diversity through joint social action'. Download the Proposal Cover Sheet (Word doc) below. MSW, PhD, and DSW students can submit Student Poster Presentations. Learn about how the value of negative emotions and experiences can further enhance leadership and preventative skills that assist young people as they feel anxiety or depression both as young people and as they grow. She is a member of the steering committee for the South Plains NASW Chapter, part of the NASW state and national organization. Some of the biggest past themes include HIV/AIDS, children in poverty, racial and ethnic harmony, and aging parents.