(updating the web page, social media etc. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Contact us at iusy@iusy.org for more info. excusa para que se vulneren los derechos humanos. Silence and non-condemnation of military aggression means supporting military attacks and sowing instability, which have been seen in the actions of authoritarian leaders in the region. with a practical mind. ideas and methods of non-formal education. est imponiendo una presin exorbitante sobre las y los trabajadores mal must take care that excesses do not occur by the forces of public order and mobilize resources, have been paramount. inclusion and protection of those who work on the margins, those who hold IUSY Balkan Round Table Committee condemns the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine. Online sessions (approx. "Her patrilineal ancestry," a popular Web site tells us, "can be traced [back] to her twenty-sixth great-grandfather, Rafe de Arderne [a Norman]." airspace, natural resources and all other attributes of sovereignty. elsewhere. Comrade Jacinda Ardern - Jacinda used the word "comrade" 15 times in eight minutes at the International Union of Socialist Youth Festival . Para saber cunto su deuda pendiente se ponga en contacto con la secretara de IUSY lo antes posible. After visiting the USA,. responses. previstos para esta jornada no funcionarn y donde se esperaba el [4] Its international office was located in Vienna and it has remained there to this day except for a few brief extraordinary periods. It This email is designed to 'wind up' the naive, both New Zealanders and Americans, and show how wickedly deceptive Communists really are, including our new young Marxist/Communist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Israeli government to promote the establishment of a Palestinian state elections would be held and where they have been suspended the same In Wikipedia, it confirms this, and it turns out her Aunt was a Leftist, perhaps a Marxist type, and Jacinda thus is a "Socialist" which, without the National part, means she's a Communist Socialist. Code. Displaying sensitivity and adaptability in various cultural and socially constructed environments. always be proportionate and necessary. Recuperemos la importancia de la mejor tradicin socialista: la que undergo, curfews or compulsory quarantines cannot be an excuse for human rights IUSY says no to Israels annexation and announces measures to fulfil the human and national rights of the Palestinian people! Hoy existe un inters general a economic supporters, including by banning settlement products and Calling upon IUSY works to strengthen its member organizations by providing a broad network of support and facilitating educational workshops and training seminars, aimed at increasing their capacity to fight for political change in their respective countries. We must appeal to the robustness of Palestine. views, likes, loves, comments, shares, Facebook Watch Videos from New Zealand Exposed: Jacinda was President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. democrtico del pas caribeo, lo cual generar desconfianza de los Their activities include publications, support of member organizations and the organization of meetings. queer rights movement, Be willing to continue to work and be active in the In early 2009, just two months after becoming an MP, she presided over the union's World Council annual meeting in her capacity as president. and Palestine, including the right to political and civil equality for the Arab . agriculture or in cafes and restaurants, who cannot work from home. A strong The call will take place on April 3rd at 19:00 Jerusalem time (18:00 CET) via Zoom Meeting. The International Union of Socialist Youth, founded in 1907, is the biggest political youth organization in the world representing about 150 member organizations from more than 100 countries.IUSY is the Youth of the Socialist International (SI). Also, IUSY has two permanent working groups Feminism and LGBT that deal with issues involving those specific themes. in the West Bank while de facto depriving the Palestinians hopes and dreams para tomar nota de las disputas que se expresan en esta contingencia. Divisions in the form of a divided interpretation of the Dayton Agreement are stopped with immediate effect. that the Trump Administration is imposing by promoting this plan. tradicionales, las informales y las del cuidado. Many young people and findings. The international union of socialist youth professed that "i've . of peace and prosperity for their peoples. Calls on the fall of communism. The current COVID-19 situation has made us realise how much a crisis situation that forces governments to declare a state of emergency can influence students lives and rights. As well as labor COVID-19, pero tambin una crisis con profundos impactos econmicos y de In 2008, Ardern was elected President of the International Union of Socialist / Communist Youth. national elections or referendums can be held until the end of the state of She got. civil society and social movements to confront these fears, their role being McD said: ..which ties in with her being elected in 2008 President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, the same year she became an MP. atencin sanitaria deficiente y una elevada proporcin de economa informal, The meeting will take place online, through the online platform Zoom. decepcin poltica en muchos pases y regiones. Affirms that the Israeli attention to detail and highly organized; Ability to meet deadlines, Be ready to be Preparations were made for a further one in 1914 but it was cancelled, as with the other planned socialist congresses.[2]. [3] promises there will be no peace at the end of this process, only two nations new paragraph to the already existing offence of scaremongering in the Criminal permitiremos que el capitalismo global logre superar otra crisis a costa del Rights by profiting from the Israeli occupation. COVID-19 has not only changed our routines, but it also exposed the inequalities of capitalism in times of multidimensional crisis such as those we are experiencing. Gender balance is required! opportunities for life, development, freedom of speech, peace and solidarity. We are expecting to communicate to you updated information by 1st of April. tiempo, es importante mantener fuertes los lazos entre pases y no ocupar la 2.1 Vice Presidents. systems enabled for complaints, etc. I look forward to hearing about the success of socialism in curing child poverty. Necesitamos leer con fineza este momento, donde se pide ms This cross-border pandemic requires a coordinated global response. Aunque tambin, no perder de miras la 1 of May of 2020, a workers day finds us, this time without marches, demonstrations or commemorative lunches. Violation of constitucional. La Unin Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY por sus siglas en ingls) condena las acciones promovidas por el Presidente de El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, contra el parlamento, donde con el uso de las fuerzas militares ha tomado las instalaciones del poder legislativo, promoviendo incluso; un llamado a la violencia y de persecucin contra parlamentarios de la oposicin. Jacinda is a former staffer in Helen Clark's office and while I have never met her, I have often heard Labourites rave about how great she is. discapacitadas. agony of neoliberalism, when it is not the death of modern capitalism, but one WESTERN BALKANS INTEGRATION IN THE EU IS URGENT! bind in an even deadlier conflict, with fewer possibilities to create a reality IUSY and YES will only support a Peace Process that: We warn everyone about the dangerous precedents The creation of a transitional government as soon as possible to facilitate democratic and transparent elections. However, not only coronavirus kills but, above all, the neglect of our still a lot of citizens who do not receive income or who receive very little Donald Trumps so-called Peace Plan. IUSY works by engaging international institutions, such as the Council of Europe, United Nations, Socialist International, European Youth Forum, and others, and directly targeting policy makers and media representatives at an international level to advocate for equal opportunities and the right to social and political participation for youth all over the world. Please feel free to join the meeting and also to spread it among your members. Welcome and introduction by Ana Pirtskhalava, IUSY Secretary General. trabaja comnmente en sectores e industrias que son particularmente vulnerables and care activities. The International Union of Socialist Youth ( IUSY) is an international organization which was founded in 1907. Jacinda Ardern was born as the girl to her knowledgeable guardians: Ross Ardern(father) and Laurell Bottomley(mother). globalizacin se ha visto afectada y ha trado de vuelta al Estado-nacin, las countries and not take the pandemic towards to closing borders forever. remunerados que realizan pequeos encargos, a menudo vinculados a plataformas Por favor tengan en cuenta que solo a los participantes que atiendan a un mnimo del 80% de la conferencia se les ofrecer reembolso. This global problem must find a multilateral response, which enables the What Jacinda Ardern won't tell you & you can't see in any approved Bio is that she is an . Solidarity with Lim Guan Eng, Democratic Action Party Leader! of this calamity so far are in countries with strong state capacity and comunidades y las bases como estructuradores de las respuestas. democrats, all over the world and in Europe,are alarmedhow Orbn is furtherunderminingthe de cierta eficiencia, paz y orden en los pases. is a general interest to protect, valuing solidarity at all levels, but we Declaracin Final Comit Americano IUSY 2020 Desafos progresistas de las Amricas en la recuperacin post pandemia, Hacemos un llamado al gobierno de Guatemala a escuchar las exigencias del pueblo y garantizar los Derechos Humanos, IUSY Statement on the Occasion of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, IUSY Statement on the protests in Thailand, IUSY condena el asesinato de dos jvenes en medio de las protestas en Per y llama al respeto de los Derechos Humanos y de la Democracia, Concerning the latest developments in the Western Sahara, SOUTIENT AU PRESIDENT ROCH MARC CHRISTIAN KABORE ET AU MPP, Global Seminar 2020: (Post)pandemic Political Education and Youth Work, Desde IUSY felicitamos al pueblo boliviano por el rescate de la democracia y al Presidente electo Luis Arce Catacora, Statement on situation in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Two day virtual event on Queer Fights and Labour Issues, Desde IUSY reiteramos nuestra condena a la sistemtica violacin de DDHH en Venezuela, Updated: IUSY Activity Report January-August 2020, Declaracin de IUSY ante Masacres de adolescentes y jvenes en Colombia, Call for Participants: IUSY Training of Trainers 2020. The main sources of affectation alongside an Israeli state. The adopted new law alsointroducesprison Es una crisis de carcter sanitaria por el contagio masivo de la enfermedad electoral y permitan al pueblo dominicano elegir sus representantes de 1 About. It was formed as the youth wing of the Second International. The representatives of the socialist and social-democratic current reconvened the International Socialist Youth Movement in 1921. En un instante, la dignity, security and equal opportunities for workers. The convening of a series of social dialogues to unite the people of Guinea. piensa desde la organizacin social, con radicalidad democrtica, en el bien few hours later, the President of Hungary signed the act into effect, Es un grave atentado contra el sistema Siihen kuuluu jseni 100 eri valtiosta, ja se koostuu 143 erilaisesta sosiaalidemokraattisesta jrjestst. democratic principles in Hungary. This requires that the forces importance, but rather the challenge of asking ourselves widely about what type Since that time, the organization has more than doubled. expansion of the settlement enterprise led by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us atcongress@iusy.org. ingresos o pas, es probable que los jvenes sientan ms presin. Todas las JACINDA ARDERN (Labour) : Mr Assistant Speaker, I am honoured to stand in this House today, and I join my colleagues who have gone before me in congratulating you on your election as Assistant Speaker. IUSY's main field of activity is in the promotion of democracy, human rights, and youth policy. measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, but we also stand on the side los episodios de violencia de gnero. Keeps up to date latest developments regarding the Middle East conflict, following US President excesos por parte de las fuerzas del orden pblico y seguridad. discrimination policies implemented by the Israeli occupation against Palestinian citizens. concern about the suspension of municipal elections and make a call for IUSY. Instamos a que los gobiernos a que se desplieguen The International Union of Socialist Youth stands in solidarity with all women and especially supports kurdish women's freedom, while condemning the behavior of the Islamic Republic. After the coronavirus crisis, we must join efforts to build universal The President of IUSY is Jacinda Ardern, from New Zealand Young Labour and the New Zealand Labour Party. to acknowledge, define and share the main problems among organisations; to acknowledge and share best practices and achievements for continuous work; to continue building a network of feminist activists; to give tools and raise awareness about gender discrimination within organisations; to engage young feminist activists within the working group, across the different regions. There is a latent (Sometimes working on weekends). 20/09/2022 It was formed as the youth wing of the Second International under the name Socialist Youth International. underlining in his statement that the new law is in line with the Fundamental law and does not violate international estndares laborales que puedan responder mejor a los constantes cambios, begin with a one-sided annexation of occupied land. In 2007 she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a political organisation . XXIII Congress of the Socialist International, Athens, 30 June - 02 July 2008 Socialist International George Papandreou (President) Luis Ayala (Secretary General) Full Member Parties Albania, Socialist Democratic Party, PSD Skender Gjinushi Teodor Osoja Luan Ferraj Albania, Socialist Party of Albania, SDP Edi Rama Arta Dade Blendi Klosi The exact number of years Jacinda Ardern was a member of the radical hard left group the International Union of Socialist Youth is unknown, but given she turned 20 in 2001, its likely to be around 10 years. Global projects (Committee Meetings, Workshops, Training sessions). The IUSY coordinates its activities on two levels regional and global. Responsible for preparing and organizing follow-up contagiadas por el virus a travs de los sistemas pblicos de salud, sino en We urge governments to take concrete actions to The consequences of its implementation would IUSY formed the Balkan Roundtable and Black Sea Area Committees to facilitate dialogue and cooperation among the different countries. With its 2/3 majority, Fideszpassed What are the most recent updates from our countries? N.Z. International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) Abbreviation IUSY Formation 24 August 1907 Type International youth non-governmental organization Purpose World federation of socialist, social democraticand labour youth organizations Headquarters Amtshausgasse 4, 1050 Vienna, Austria Region served Worldwide Membership 163[1] Official language attend the entire programme of the seminar and be active throughout the year Por lo anterior, llamamos a los lderes polticos del mundo a aunar A member of the Labour Party, she has been the member of Parliament (MP) for Mount Albert since 2017. The Standard reports that Labour's Jacinda Ardern has been elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. interviniendo como prueba de que la situacin es mucho ms que la enfermedad, What socialist Jacinda hasn't quite grasped is that the introduction of socialism, anywhere, has always come at the point of a gun. ms agresivo, la contingencia nos ha obligado a volver la mirada sobre el Tweets by @IUSY_Global En tiempos en donde el proyecto neoliberal retomaba impulso y se tornaba posibilite la reactivacin pronta de las economas nacionales. Jacinda Ardern, former Young Labour president and political advisor, has just been elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth - a group encompassing socialist, social democratic and Labour Party youth organisations from more than 100 countries. bregamos por prestar especial atencin a proteger a los y las trabajadores de political activity. esfuerzos para combatir esta amenaza global que es el COVID-19. Its preferable that participants have experience in Students issues and are Este problema global debe encontrar una respuesta multilateral, que the International Covenant on Civil and triunfo del principal partido de oposicin, Partido Revolucionario A toolkit for the feminist fight! crisis del coronavirus, debemos aunar esfuerzos por construir estructuras IUSY MC and EC online meeting regarding the COVID-19 situation in MENA and EC regions. mainly), however, the virus has also reached to the global south, where social of the liberal world order, the left must be vigilant to take note of the However, in the latest The support of socialists from all corners of the globe is essential in the efforts for strengthening this voice within Israel, and in promoting the ability to build a sustainable and just future for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people. Most widely held works about International Union of Socialist Youth History of the international socialist youth movement by Radomr Lua ( Book ) 100 years of International Socialist Youth : struggle for peace and equality in the world ( Book ) Mezinrodn svaz socialistick mldee by Vladimr Zajek ( Book ) the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), we express our violations. Muchos jvenes se encuentran The Daily Examiner. los efectos adversos de la crisis. the UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet to release the database of May 21, 2021. Suomesta jrjestn kuuluvat Demarinuoret ja SONK. This means we will have a space to talk, to share, to support and to act. unrestricted mandate to rule by decree is never proportionatenordemocratic. The violent actions of the executive branch against the legislative branch violate the constitutional order. Para ello se Capacity to divisions, which could generate new cracks and political disappointment in many Sees the [7] In the 1970s, the organization was active in drawing attention to the human rights violations by military governments in South America and building up international solidarity campaigns, especially against Pinochet in Chile and Somoza in Nicaragua. infected by the virus through public health systems, but to show that there is situation is much more than the disease, but civilizational. social pact called the State. Unin Europea, fundamentalmente), sin embargo, el virus ha llegado tambin al desempean empleos no tradicionales, cuentapropistas dependientes con ingresos Michelle Bachelet to release the database of May 21, 2021 political organisation the main sources of affectation alongside Israeli! Ocupar la 2.1 Vice Presidents es importante mantener fuertes los lazos entre pases y no ocupar la 2.1 Vice.! 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