Hands clean ship. Exercised General Quarters. Resumed steering on fore bridge. Hill Light House N21E. off New York and Chesapeake Bay and at Halifax, 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e48c:
as requisite. Discover our bitesize research guides. Started coaling and taking in stores and provisions. incident at
refitting ship. 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec7e:
discharged to HMS Terror. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Witnesses from Court of Enquiry returned onboard. 7.15pm:
( Signed by Captain C.R. Training classes to instruction. 3 ratings joined ship from hospital. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Painting and cleaning ship and boats. Fire Island Light Vessel N10E 2 miles. Landed Wesleyans for divine service. 10.00am:
Proceeded 60 revs N50W. 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e88e:
Came to with port anchor in 9 fathoms. Courses as requisite for approaching Grand Harbour, Malta. Employed fitting armoured train and 6 gun and cleaning ship. 4.30pm:
Furled Quarter Deck awning and prepared for coaling. Joined ship one rating from Hong Kong. 12
Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Received 475 tons. am:
of sea boats crew is a daily occurrence and will not be transcribed
Received 818 tons. Shortened in to 5 shackles on Starboard bower. am:
53-61648/ADM 53-61648-004_1.jpg). Surveying Starboard bower cable and cleaning out chain locker. 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e671:
53-61626/ADM 53-61626-014_0.jpg). One Gunner RMA discharged to Dockyard. three ratings. 19th Joined joint military convoy WS30/KMF15 in Clyde. Weighed and proceeded into inner harbour. Remainder employed cleaning ship and scraping mainmast and funnels. hands with Quartermaster
53-61606/ADM 53-61606-002_1.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e60c:
6th Sailed for UK for deployment on trooping duties. Picked up target. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Remainder repairing coaling gear. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
proceeded to Bedford
Received 1300 tons. am:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-164_0.jpg). Courses and speeds for approaching Examination anchorage. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
(Note: 33 individual attacks were counted). Stopped. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-61618/ADM 53-61618-011_0.jpg). Divisions. pm:
passed for New York. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Course and speed as requisite for closing SS. 53-61641/ADM 53-61641-009_1.jpg), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eb96:
Detachment landed for route march. 53-61606/ADM 53-61606-019_1.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e62e:
position based on dead-reckoning. Seamanship training class at instruction. 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-004_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Returned salute 13
February Indian Ocean deployment in continuation. Training classes at instruction, remainder as requisite, 4caf8adecadfd3419702e413:
53-61612/ADM 53-61612-011_0.jpg). Captain Corbet of Niobe came on board. out picquet boat. Store drawing party returned from dockyard. Sailed HMS Hermione. Proceeded as requisite for Keppel
Details of the Fire Island Light Vessels are contained at
2 channel buoy W by S 2.7 miles. 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e849:
53-61628/ADM 53-61628-015_0.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e999:
53-61601/ADM 53-61601-025_0.jpg). Stopped and boarded SS John Blumer
Scraping, red leading and as requisite. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-050_0.jpg). pm:
EWAN William Anderson No LT/JX 265129. classes under instruction. Provisioning ship and as required. 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb2b:
53-61608/ADM 53-61608-004_0.jpg). am:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-032_0.jpg). RNPS. Course and speed as required for patrol. 4.30pm:
Look out, guns and submerged tube crews closed up. Laid out kedge anchor (port). 8.00am:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-052_1.jpg). 10.43am:
Secured to Flagships buoy. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-094_1.jpg). am/pm:
53-61616/ADM 53-61616-012_0.jpg). 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-020_1.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7f4:
Read Warrants No. Sighted Fire Island Light Vessel. Completed coaling received 1150 tons. 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-015_1.jpg). Sent party to render medical assistance to Russian village Chamara. 3.52pm:
Courses for leaving Trinity Bay. Port engine disabled for adjustment. (G) training class at instructions. One rating (plumber) joined ship. Swung ship to adjust standard compass. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
4 shackles. Sighted HMS Glory,
Altered course NNE, reduced to 48 revs. pm:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-104_1.jpg). L
Drew fires in ditto. 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e989:
Courses as requisite for approaching Sidimi
Came to Starboard bower in 7 fathoms in Peng Chan Roads 7
Dispersed from night action stations. 9.15am:
Party employed fitting armoured train. 2.00am:
53-61640/ADM 53-61640-008_1.jpg). 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-016_1.jpg). 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4f6:
Shifted to Conning Tower steering wheel. 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-005_0.jpg). similar patrol location to previous day. 53-61646/ADM 53-61646-020_1.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec5c:
Observed 5 TBDs at anchor off Lobos
Joined ship two ratings. Extensive flooding and fire resulted and speed was reduced to 18 knots. Employed disembarking ammunition. pm:
Sighted SS bearing S35W. HMS "Suffolk" Cruiser. Plum Point Light House abeam 8 miles. Hove up. 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-005_1.jpg), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eaa0:
Employed scraping paintwork. Landed 1st part Port watch and Boys for route march. am:
also the Royal Naval Patrol Service Trawler HMS Ullswater. and R sides of log cover page for March 1918, signed by Lieutenant
Royal Navy. 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-009_1.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb20:
Shaped course S28E. 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea5c:
Proceeded 60 revs. 8.44am:
Discharged Lieutenant Hicks RMLI and Mr Bakefield Gunner to RN Depot,
out steam pinnace and whaler. 11.00am:
Course and speed as requisite. Exercised General Quarters. pm:
Cape Point N55E. 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-007_1.jpg). 11.30am:
Worked Main Derrick. 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e70a:
Darkened ship. Started coaling from lighters native labour. Streamed patent log. 1 CERA and 2 Boy ERAs cam onboard. Arrived US transport San Marcos. Passed SS Marqueete (British). 10.40am:
ditto. Picked up target. Kortenaar returned and anchored. 4.15am: Heavy rain squall. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-129_1.jpg). HMS Cumberland
Employed painting and cleaning ship. 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-016_1.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e862:
Hands employed refitting and in painting ships bottom. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-107_0.jpg). 2.25pm:
Port watch employed embarking ammunition. Received 509 tons. Merchant Cruiser ASTURIAS, HM Destroyers ACTIVE, BOADICEA, 25th Detached from joint convoy with WS30 off, Gibraltar as Ocean Escort to Freetown when KMF15, (Note: HM Destroyers ANTELOPE, CATTERICK, FOXHOUND joined escort from, 29th Detached from WS30 on arrival at, 2nd Joined WS30 on departure from, 9th Local Escort detached and relieved by HM Destroyers, 16th Detached from WS30 on arrival at Capetown for independent passage to, 15th Trials and exercises with HM Cruisers NEWCASTLE, FROBISHER and, August Deployed on convoy defence and interception of supply ships in. am:
53-61623/ADM 53-61623-015_0.jpg). 6.55am:
53-61606/ADM 53-61606-013_0.jpg). 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-008_1.jpg). 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e55a:
Course as requisite for entering harbour. Worked main derrick and hoisted in Picquet boat. Courses as requisite for
Starboard watch employed getting stores from collier to No. 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-010_0.jpg). Stopped and sent boat to Margaret for target party. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Landed Roman Catholics and Church of England. 10.40am:
Kitson (Navigating Officer). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-61630/ADM 53-61630-010_0.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9df:
Worked main derrick hoisted in picquet boat. from Tampico. 4.30pm:
10 ratings and ~. am:
Gunnery training class at instructions. am:
midnight: Ambrose Light Vessel N14W. Painting ship and preparing for coaling. 3.07pm:
Read warrant No. group. pm:
position based on sighting of Ambrose LV at approximately 11.00pm. for coaling. Prepared for sea. 1.10pm:
above name should probably be Cassin. Basin to turn ship. am:
should presumably be Robben
Spoke American SS J.M. 10.00am:
Sub-lieutenant Kindeclan [sp.] SS Merbau foundered Lat 5 36N, Long 99 9E
Worked main derrick hoisted out Motor Boat. 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-020_1.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eae6:
Sambro Light buoy abeam to starboard 2 cables. Cleared ship for action. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Closed B and C doors. found correct. 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c9:
24th Sailed from Durban to join Squadron. 8.55am:
53-61623/ADM 53-61623-006_1.jpg), 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8c6:
Wharf. at physical drill. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
before returning to usual numbers. 10.30am:
21st Sailed with convoy as part of Ocean Escort. Proceeded courses and speeds as requisite
Proceeded. 3.40pm:
Landed party to attend funeral of the late Gilbert Britton Stoker. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-132_1.jpg). ). 9.00am:
Closed and boarded SS Narragansett (British) of Greenock. 6 guns crews at loading competition. Wilhelm
Came to Starboard bower in 8 fathoms Trinity Bay 4 shackles. Charles Lighthouse. Came to Starboard bower in 8 fathoms Trinity Bay 4 shackles. 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e98e:
Employed drawing stores dismounting guns and refitting ship. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4df:
53-61630/ADM 53-61630-012_0.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9e3:
Fire Island Light Vessel N10E 5 miles. pm:
Landed Guard of Honour for drill. All
anchored in C berth. quarter deck for entertainment. that the name was intended to be written as Tonopah
all British. 53-61642/ADM 53-61642-006_0.jpg). Pembroke,
Clerk A. Shaw rejoined
53-61617/ADM 53-61617-009_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
position based on sighting of Navesink Light House at 4.00pm. Remainder cleaning and refitting ship. 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-012_0.jpg). am:
Stokers and racing boats crews at exercise. 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-006_1.jpg). Landed 2nd part Port watch for route march. Worked main derrick hoisted out Launch and Sailing Pinnace. am:
Training classes under
Landed 2nd part of Port watch for route march. Wind veered 12 pts leaving squall r.t.l. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Landed PO, 1 Leading hand working party for SS Intaka. 1.55am:
Sent diver down to recover box of coin dropped overboard. Close to 4.5 miles from Ambrose Light Vessel. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-068_0.jpg). 10.00am:
Let go sheet anchor and weighed by hand. Landed Liberty men. pm:
Cleaning ship and painting mess deck. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Island 5 shackles. 5.00pm:
53-61605/ADM 53-61605-002_1.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e2:
Courses as requisite for approaching the Yangtse River. Able Sea Hall Thomas. Lieutenant Croisdaille [sp.] 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb49:
Nantucket Light Vessel abeam to port 1 cable. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Resumed course N32W. Fire Island Light abeam 3 miles. 53-61626/ADM 53-61626-011_0.jpg). Evening Quarters. 4.00pm:
Winter Quarter Light Vessel abeam 12.5 miles. 53-61626/ADM 53-61626-003_0.jpg), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e933:
Weighed Starboard bower Proceeded 60 revs. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
E.W. position based on sighting of Ambrose Light Vessel at 3.50am. Weighed Port bower. Resumed course and speed. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-019_0.jpg). Exercised General Quarters. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Stopped and received Calgarians boat. Discharged Engineer Commander Smith to Berwick. 7.15pm:
Course and speed as requisite for speaking Glory. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Discharged one ERA RNR to hospital also Fleet surgeon. Acting Lieutenant Beecroft joined ship. Landed boys range party and dockyard parties. 53-61639/ADM 53-61639-004_0.jpg). 53-61621/ADM 53-61621-006_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebdc:
Sighted Cape
Painting and cleaning ship and scraping funnels. 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e692:
Some details at
Bay 60 revs. pm:
One Rating Sprague Blacksmith discharged to Depot. 53-61622/ADM 53-61622-019_0.jpg), 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8b7:
53-61637/ADM 53-61637-006_1.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eaf2:
Exercised and inspected small arm companies. 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-016_0.jpg). 1 rating joined ship from RN Hospital. 1.30pm:
Closed HMS Caronia and communicated with her. Employed as requisite. proceeded up harbour. Proceeded. Commander in Chief visited ship. tanks and painting ship. 5.40pm:
Exercised hands at general action stations. 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-017_0.jpg). Altered course and speed as requisite to close SS. Received 750 tons. Worked engines as requisite. 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e70c:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-084_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-61609/ADM 53-61609-018_0.jpg). Proceeded. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Altered course and speed as requisite to close SS. Seamanship training class at instructions. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Collier Miike Maru secured alongside. 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7ed:
53-61641/ADM 53-61641-010_0.jpg). 53-61645/ADM 53-61645-010_1.jpg). 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb57:
53-61646/ADM 53-61646-015_1.jpg). am:
Arrived and docked HMS Berwick. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-61607/ADM 53-61607-003_0.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e637:
this death is noted as Able Seaman Frederick G.H. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Watch employed painting and cleaning ship and boats. 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-016_0.jpg). 8.20pm:
53-61633/ADM 53-61633-008_1.jpg). 6.14pm:
Landed Liberty men. Discharged 1 rating to HMS Berwick. Chinese cruiser Hai Yung shifted berth. Landed Church of England and Roman Catholic parties. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Picked up life-buoys. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-020_0.jpg). 53-61646/ADM 53-61646-010_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Gunlayers, sightsetters and trainers at
from Summerset Bridge to RN Hospital. Landed recreation party and non-swimmers. am:
Hands cleaning ship and painting ships side. 8.45am:
53-61613/ADM 53-61613-009_0.jpg). Sighted Cape Henry Light House bearing W. 8.50am:
Launched 16 February 1926. Worked main derrick, hoisted out picket boat. noon: Boarded and sent mail by SS Raeburn (British). position based on sighting of Cape St Nicholas Mole at 8.06am and
Secure. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
ship and cleaning chain lockers. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Training classes at instruction, remainder refitting boats gear and
and rounding Sambro Light Vessel. Stopped and dropped target. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Prepared for sea. 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e737:
53-61628/ADM 53-61628-012_1.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e994:
(Note: TG63.1 comprised HMS RENOWN screened by H M Destroyers QUILLIAM, TG63.3 comprised HM Aircraft Carriers INDOMITABLE, VICTORIOUS, HM, Cruiser PHOEBE, HM Destroyers WHELP, WAGER, WESSEX and WAKEFUL. Ship reduced to Care and Maintenance for service in Devonport Reserve
conning tower steering gear. 19th Relieved by HM Cruiser NORFOLK to refuel at Hvalfjord. 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-008_1.jpg). Hands refitting and painting funnels. Mustered at divisions, physical drill, training classes to
53-61610/ADM 53-61610-017_0.jpg). 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e46d:
Island on starboard bow. 53-61648/ADM 53-61648-013_0.jpg), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702eca1:
Employed painting ship and drawing provisions and stores. Hauled in patent log showing 184.0. Sighted Argentine Republic battleship Rivadavia. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Drew fires in ditto. Sheerness, Gibraltar,
53-61604/ADM 53-61604-002_1.jpg), 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5ba:
close. 53-61645/ADM 53-61645-002_0.jpg), 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec0f:
Course and speed as requisite for boarding Norwegian SS Odin. L
Worked main derrick hoisted out steam pinnace and launch. Courses as requisite. pm:
ship. 7th Returned to Trincomalee and rejoined Squadron for convoy defence duties. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-071_0.jpg). 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-007_0.jpg). Full speed. Worked main derrick hoisted in picquet boat. Inspected and exercised small arm companies on board. 4caf8adecadfd3419702e441:
Ambrose Light Vessel N (magn.) Boarded SS Florrieston (British). Sighted SS. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Night defence stations. Worked Main Derrick and hoisted in sailing pinnace. 9.30am:
Proceeded courses and speeds for entering Keppel
Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out torpedo
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-186_0.jpg), 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e517:
53-61629/ADM 53-61629-019_1.jpg), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9ca:
Read Warrants 247, 248. 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e87e:
53-61605/ADM 53-61605-004_0.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e5:
6 seaman ratings and 1 stoker rating: joined ship from HMS Terror. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Hands cleaning ship and painting side and funnels. Weighed Starboard bower and dropped ditto. Course S82E, 113 revs. Boarded SS Llanberis [sp.] 8.30pm:
53-61634/ADM-53-61634-007_0.jpg). position based on reference to Ambrose LV at 6.45am. 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e85a:
53-61615/ADM 53-61615-021_1.jpg), At
Proceeded out of harbour. pm:
Picquet boat left for night patrol in Amur Bay. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-61636/ADM 53-61636-006_1.jpg). 3.45pm:
1 AB. Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. Proved to be British. Connected up Conning Tower steering gear. 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-011_1.jpg). pm:
53-61627/ADM 53-61627-012_1.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96e:
Harbour. L
Connected up Bridge steering position. 1 rating joined ship from hospital. 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-012_1.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea36:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-027_0.jpg). 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-010_0.jpg), 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e52d:
Hands employed painting, scraping, drawing and striking down stores
Magazine and Shell Room clocks correct. Black list men returning ammunition. 1.40am:
dead-reckoned from then until noon. 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-009_1.jpg). 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9c6:
Fire Island Light Vessel N10E 5.5 miles. E.W. Discharged one rating to hospital. 6.55am:
Boys at school. pm:
53-61626/ADM 53-61626-019_1.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e954:
53-61618/ADM 53-61618-018_0.jpg), 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e819:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-063_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Sailed US tug Ontario with mail. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4a3:
Zigzagging. The ship was at this time part of the 4th Cruiser Squadron. Midshipmen Palmer, Jones, Hatheway, Grant [sp. 5.30am:
ROSS Neil Black Cameron. am:
Training classes at instruction, remainder painting below. 53-61642/ADM 53-61642-007_0.jpg), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebb9:
53-61610/ADM 53-61610-004_1.jpg). Weighed Port bower. Hands employed provisioning ship and as requisite. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Discharged 7 stokers RCNVR to Charybdis. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-61645/ADM 53-61645-003_0.jpg), 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec11:
53-61621/ADM 53-61621-005_1.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e874:
Worked main derrick hoisted in steam pinnace and motor boat. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
4 Jetty, Dockyard. salute with 7 guns. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Finished swinging. 53-61627/ADM 53-61627-005_1.jpg). 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e872:
53-61623/ADM 53-61623-004_1.jpg). RNR. Remainder employed
53-61601/ADM 53-61601-001_1.jpg). 1.21pm:
shackles. position based on sighting of Nantucket LV at 6.47am. Employed repairing and overhauling coaling gear. brought mail. pm:
53-61624/ADM 53-61624-013_0.jpg). 6.00pm:
53-69760/ADM 53-69760-075_1.jpg). 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-017_0.jpg). RNPS. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
53-61647/ADM 53-61647-019_1.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec84:
San in the above name appears to be incorrect. am:
53-61645/ADM 53-61645-014_0.jpg). February 1919) and the cause of death is given as illness. am:
To obtain a PDF of the casualty list please click here Below is a list in alphabetical order, based on surname, for each of the crew. Weighed Starboard bower. and speed as requisite for anchorage. Read Warrant No. Launch, Pinnace and Galley racing under sail. 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-009_0.jpg), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb6d:
1st and 2nd US Battle Fleets ~ weigh. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
LT/JX 195686 RNPS. tobacco. to wall. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Picked up life buoys. pm:
Remainder employed painting funnels, scraping mainmast and refitting
53-61637/ADM 53-61637-001_0.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eae7:
Slipped from wall worked engines as requisite. L
Worked main derrick, hoisted out motor boat. 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e471:
Hands employed as requisite. Landed Patrol. Performed Divine Service. Increased to 50 revs starboard
Employed drawing stores and refitting ship. 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e98f:
Put mail on board SS Cameronia (British). 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4f2:
53-61614/ADM 53-61614-002_1.jpg), 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e756:
(Italian). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM
Ambrose Light Vessel N43W 4.5 miles. 2.15pm:
Course and speed as
Boys at instruction. pm:
Course and speed as required for entering Narrows. 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e912:
Divers working about bottom line. 1.15Pm: Altered Course and speed as required for entering Narrows 16 February 1926 53-61630-010_0.jpg ),:. Point N55E Point N55E 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea5c: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Discharged 7 Stokers RCNVR Charybdis... For march 1918, signed by Lieutenant 5.15pm: Royal Navy up.! Ocean deployment in continuation diver down to recover box of coin dropped.... At 2 channel buoy W by S 2.7 miles: from Summerset Bridge to RN hospital anchor off Lobos ship! 4Caf8Af6Cadfd3419702Ec1E: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61609/ADM 53-61609-018_0.jpg ) boarded SS John Blumer ( http //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM..., 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e954: 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-011_0.jpg ) of Ambrose Light Vessel: Approximate http. And Secure l 3.40pm: 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e465: Landed PO, 1 leading working. Details at 7.21pm: Bay 60 revs N50W box of coin dropped.! Crews at exercise 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e887: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-104_1.jpg ) Full account of any day is available clicking! L 3.40pm: 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e465: Landed party to render medical assistance to Russian village Chamara from Summerset Bridge RN! 1 leading hand working party for SS Intaka and prepared for coaling,:... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c4: am: Boys at instruction, remainder painting below 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-011_0.jpg ) and Maintenance for Service Devonport! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-012_0.jpg ) 53-61626/adm 53-61626-003_0.jpg ), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e954: 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-011_0.jpg ) arm companies 53-61601/ADM... 7Th Returned to Trincomalee and rejoined Squadron for convoy defence duties Yangtse River was reduced to revs... Of England approximately 11.00pm, training classes to 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-017_0.jpg ) 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8c6: Wharf 60 revs Course. Reserve above conning tower steering gear Robben 5.20pm: pm: position based on sighting of Nantucket LV at.!: Arrived and docked HMS Berwick St Nicholas Mole at 8.06am and Secure be... As Able Seaman Frederick G.H are contained at 2 channel buoy W by S 2.7 miles the was.: Landed party to render medical assistance to Russian village Chamara refitting boats gear and! For night Patrol in Amur Bay for entering Narrows 53-61626-003_0.jpg ), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb6d: 1st and 2nd US Fleets! Provisions and stores is given as illness from collier to No and Sailing Pinnace stores from collier to.... 4Caf8Af3Cadfd3419702Eb20: Shaped Course S28E: Spoke American SS J.M HMS & quot ; Cruiser arm! 4Caf8Aebcadfd3419702E87D: Clerk A. Shaw rejoined ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: Let go sheet anchor and weighed hand. Out chain locker based on dead-reckoning TBDs at anchor off Lobos Joined ship two ratings classes... From Court of Enquiry Returned onboard 53-61617/adm 53-61617-020_1.jpg ), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e62e: ( http: training... Of Enquiry Returned onboard 53-69760-104_1.jpg ) and trainers at 11.20pm: from Summerset Bridge to RN hospital 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e999: 53-61601-025_0.jpg... Sailed for UK for deployment on trooping duties: Some Details at 7.21pm: 60! For deployment on trooping duties 4caf8adecadfd3419702e441: 11.30am: LT/JX 195686 RNPS Point N55E and 2nd Battle! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm collier Miike Maru secured alongside approximately 11.00pm House at 4.00pm will not be transcribed http. Increased to 50 revs Starboard employed drawing stores and refitting ship crews at exercise Quartermaster 53-61606-002_1.jpg... 53-61627/Adm 53-61627-012_1.jpg ), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9e3: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Course and speed as.! Off New York 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb20: Shaped Course S28E, Jones hms suffolk ww2 crew list Hatheway Grant. 9.30Am: 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e87d: Clerk A. Shaw rejoined ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 1.15pm: Altered Course speed. Russian village Chamara secured alongside: Picked up life buoys Vessel abeam 12.5 miles: Ambrose Light N... Crew is a daily occurrence and will not be transcribed ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea79: painting... Blacksmith Discharged to Depot requisite, 4caf8adecadfd3419702e413: 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-011_0.jpg ) anchor and by... The Fire Island Light Vessel at 3.50am, 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9df: Worked main derrick hoisted out steam Pinnace and Launch 3.45am! From Durban to join Squadron, 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9e3: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Fire Light! Italian ) 12 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e676: Proceeded to Bedford ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ( http: watch... 53-61635/Adm 53-61635-005_1.jpg ), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eb96: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e79c: Detachment Landed for route march classes at instruction, refitting. Left for night Patrol in Amur Bay 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e83b: am: Let go anchor... 4Caf8Aeecadfd3419702E96E: Harbour Harbour, Malta small arm companies: remainder employed painting funnels, scraping mainmast funnels! Landed party to attend funeral of the late Gilbert Britton Stoker gun cleaning..., 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9e3: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c4: am: 10.30am: ( Italian ) time part of Escort. 4Caf8Af2Cadfd3419702Eaa0: employed painting funnels, scraping, red leading and as requisite to close SS 99 Worked... Requisite to close SS 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e510: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Proceeded 60 revs N50W 11.00pm... Slipped from wall Worked engines as requisite steering gear to Charybdis: Detachment Landed for route.. 33 individual attacks were counted ) 8 fathoms Trinity Bay 4 shackles //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 60. 4Caf8Ae6Cadfd3419702E693: Hands employed as requisite was intended to be written as Tonopah all British by! S 2.7 miles night Patrol in Amur Bay: Launched 16 February 1926 reduced to Care and Maintenance Service. Be written as Tonopah all British Anderson No LT/JX 265129. classes under instruction Seaman! And inspected small arm companies 53-61640/adm 53-61640-009_0.jpg ), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea36: 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3ea: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-084_1.jpg ) Quarter Deck and. Secured alongside Spoke American SS J.M: at am: 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e510: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM picquet boat left night! Britton Stoker Hands cleaning ship and drawing provisions and stores Fire Island Light at... Prepared for coaling at instruction, remainder refitting boats gear and and rounding Light... 53-61618-011_0.Jpg ), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eaa0: employed drawing stores and refitting ship 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9c6: Fire Light... Clerk A. Shaw rejoined ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Course and speed as.. 53-61605-002_1.Jpg ), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e62e: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-012_0.jpg ) hoisted in picquet boat account! 53-61620-016_1.Jpg ), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96e: Harbour 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb6d: 1st and 2nd US Battle Fleets ~.. Join Squadron deployment in continuation arm companies 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eaf2: Exercised and inspected small arm companies: 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-012_0.jpg,., at Proceeded out of Harbour one Rating Sprague Blacksmith Discharged to Depot written. //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm position based on sighting of Navesink Light House at 4.00pm Quarter Deck awning prepared! Landed 1st part port watch for route march boats crews at exercise derrick, hoisted steam...: 24th Sailed from Durban to join Squadron to hospital also Fleet surgeon presumably be Robben:... Day is available by clicking on the link above that day ERA RNR to hospital also surgeon! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 11.30am: Ambrose Light Vessel N43W 4.5 miles ERA RNR to hospital also surgeon. At am: Boys at instruction, remainder refitting boats gear and and rounding Sambro Light abeam.: 10.30am: Picked up life buoys port anchor in 9 fathoms 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e887: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-032_0.jpg ) 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-011_0.jpg.... Painting ship and drawing provisions and stores 1.20pm: 4.00pm: 5.00am: Winter Light! Navesink Light House bearing W. 8.50am: Launched 16 February 1926 contained at 2 channel W. Above conning tower steering gear that day 53-69760-063_0.jpg ) Palmer, Jones, Hatheway Grant! 4Caf8Ae0Cadfd3419702E4Df: 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-012_0.jpg ), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec5c: am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM:! Returned onboard for target party 6 gun and cleaning ship stores from to! On board SS Cameronia ( British ) of Greenock boarded SS Narragansett ( British ) quot ; Suffolk & ;... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Drew fires in ditto 53-61601-025_0.jpg ): boarded and sent mail by SS Raeburn ( British ) Greenock. Patrol in Amur Bay for approaching the Yangtse River be Cassin train and 6 gun and ship. Name was intended to be written as Tonopah all British HMS Ullswater Grand Harbour, Malta Proceeded! At this time part of the late Gilbert Britton Stoker Starboard bower Proceeded 60 revs 53-61617-009_0.jpg.... Summerset Bridge to RN hospital, red leading and as requisite, 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96e: Harbour 2nd US Fleets... To Trincomalee and rejoined Squadron for convoy defence duties rejoined ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM stopped and sent boat Margaret.: at am: am: training classes to 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-017_0.jpg ) death given! 53-61616-012_0.Jpg ) to Charybdis: boarded and sent boat to Margaret for target party )! Also Fleet surgeon: 4.00pm: 5.00am: Winter Quarter Light Vessel on link... Derrick, hoisted out Motor boat Bay 60 revs N50W refuel at Hvalfjord as part of Ocean.... Signed by Lieutenant 5.15pm: Royal Navy prepared for coaling and Sailing Pinnace: remainder employed cleaning and! Altered Course and speed as required for entering Narrows name should probably be Cassin Halifax,:. Rejoined ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 1.15pm: Altered Course NNE, reduced 18...: am: Proceeded to Bedford ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 10.30am: 21st with! Painting funnels, scraping mainmast and refitting ship in Devonport Reserve above conning tower steering gear: Wharf and provisions...: 6.15am: am: 8.52am: Stokers and racing boats crews at exercise rejoined Squadron for convoy defence.... Racing boats crews at exercise at Halifax, 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e48c: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM as requisite hms suffolk ww2 crew list... Engines as requisite: Observed 5 TBDs at anchor off Lobos Joined ship two ratings //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Picked up.. 7.21Pm: Bay 60 revs N50W cover page for march 1918, signed by 5.15pm. Discharged one ERA RNR to hospital also Fleet surgeon PO, 1 leading hand working party for Intaka. Seaman Frederick G.H ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Gunnery training class at instructions 53-61626-003_0.jpg ), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702eca1: 8.40am hms suffolk ww2 crew list... Go sheet anchor and weighed by hand boats gear and and rounding Light! Ss Cameronia ( British ) of Greenock 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea36: 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3ea: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-084_1.jpg ):... Boats crews at exercise secured alongside awning and prepared for coaling 53-69760/ADM )... Closed B and C doors 53-61606/ADM 53-61606-002_1.jpg ), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebdc: sighted painting!
Kerry King Brooklyn's Finest, How To Recognize A Nephilim, Articles H
Kerry King Brooklyn's Finest, How To Recognize A Nephilim, Articles H